
Insert and remove notes from Google slides in batch.

Primary LanguagePython

Google Slides Notes Manipulation Utility

Google Slides is a great tool for collaborating on presentations, but its feature set is somewhat limited. This tool uses the API to work around a specific limitation: the inability to export and import the speaker notes associated with each slide.

Without this tool, if one wanted to print out just the speaker notes associated with a presentation, one would have to manually copy and paste the notes from each slide using the Slides UI. Furthermore, if one wanted to edit the notes in one's favorite text editor, it would be necessary to manually copy and paste the notes back into Google Slides.


Extract speaker notes from a presentation.

./ExtractNotes.py <presentation_id>  >Notes.txt

Insert speaker notes into a presentation.

./InsertNotes.py <presentation_id> Notes.txt

When editing notes, it suffices to maintain the format of the following delimiter for each slide.

Slide #


 pip install --upgrade google-api-python-client
  • OAuth 2 Client
sudo pip install --upgrade oauth2client
  • Docopt
 pip install docopt

One-Time Setup

Given that this app is deployed as a stand-alone script rather than hosted on a web server, the author cannot provide client keys and secrets. Therefore, users must visit the Google Slides API page and perform the following steps for initial setup.

  1. Click on "Enable The Google Slides API"
  2. Create a project.
  3. Click "Next"
  4. Click "Download Client Configuration" and save credentials.json in the directory this application will be executed from.