
A tool like vue-cli for react

Primary LanguageJavaScript


React Redux webpack MIT

A SPA template with React, like vue-cli.



  • React 15.6.1
  • Redux 3.7.0
  • react-redux 5.0.3, to bind React and Redux.
  • react-router v4 or v3, choose the one you are familiar with.
  • JSX
  • PWA
  • ES6, support stage-1 by default.
  • webpack 2.x
  • Express, the dev-server.
  • Hot-Reload, support both React and Redux!
  • Proxy
  • Environmental value
  • ESlint, with standard and standard-react.
  • Redux-devtools, to make the stores more clear
  • bundle-analyzer
  • jest with Enzyme, to make unit test for react components easier.


# install sao first
npm install -g sao

# download the template
sao hqqxxf/react-webpack-cli new-project --install

# install all this dependencies.
cd new-project
npm install

# development, default port: 8080
npm run dev

# production
npm run build

# build with report
npm run build --report

# lint the files (if use eslint)
npm run lint

# run all tests
npm test