
Joint Deep Reinforcement Learning and Unfolding: Beam Selection and Precoding for mmWave Multiuser MIMO With Lens Arrays

Primary LanguagePython


Joint Deep Reinforcement Learning and Unfolding: Beam Selection and Precoding for mmWave Multiuser MIMO With Lens Arrays

This repository contains the entire code for our work "Joint deep reinforcement learning and unfolding: Beam selection and precoding for mmWave multiuser MIMO with lens arrays", available at: https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/stamp/stamp.jsp?tp=&arnumber=9448095 and has been accepted for publication in IEEE JOURNAL ON SELECTED AREAS IN COMMUNICATIONS (JSAC).

For any reproduce, further research or development, please kindly cite our JSAC Journal paper:

Q. Hu, Y. Liu, Y. Cai, G. Yu, and Z. Ding, “Joint deep reinforcement learning and unfolding: Beam selection and precoding for mmWave multiuser MIMO with lens arrays,” IEEE J. Sel. Areas Commun., vol. 39, no. 8, pp. 2289–2304, Aug. 2021.


The following versions have been tested: Python 3.6 + Pytorch 1.9.0. But newer versions should also be fine.

Training and Testing

Run the main program "joint_trainer.py.py".

The introduction of each file

joint_trainer.py:main function,run this file to train jointly the DDQN and deep-unfolding neural network;

Config.py: System parameters;


Net_module.py:The architecture (dimension of trainable parameters) of DDQN;

Dueling_DDQN.py: The dueling architecture of DDQN;

Base_Agent.py: Define the class of agent that contains the basic functions of the DQN;

DQN.py: Define the class of DQN and it inherits from the Base_Agent;

DDQN.py: The class that inherits from the DQN and add the function of DDQN;

my_DQN.py: The class that inherits from the DQN and add some functions to deal with our problem, e.g., the computation of the reward function;

Replay_Buffer.py: The replay buffer of the DDQN;

The folder data_structures and exploration_strategies denote the data structure and exploration strategies (e.g., noise net), respectively;


WMMSE.py: Iterative WMMSE algorithm for digital precoding;

unfolder.py & model.py:Deep-unfolding neural network for digital precoding (unfold the iterative WMMSE algorithm);

complex_matrix.py: Some complex matrix operations, e.g., the matrix inversion and determinant of complex matrix;

Beamspace_channel.py:Beamspace channel model.