
A React/Django web application built for the Stride Funding case study interview step

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

Stride Funding Case Study Web Application

A React/Django fullstack web application built for the Stride Funding interview. The live demo for the application can be seen here. The frontend of the application is built using Typescript/React/NextJs/MUI. The backend of the application is built using Python/Django

Note: This application is meant to be a POC and does not contain the appropriate level of security/auth configurations for Prod.

Running the application

The project contains a Makefile which makes local development super simple. You need to have the following CLI tools installed-


Once you have the above CLI tool installed, you're ready to start development! To build both the frontend and backend, use the following command:

make build

To run the application locally, run the following command:

make up

To understand the behind the scenes working of the above commands, checkout the Makefile


The application repository is broken up into three main folders-

  1. Frontend
  2. Backend
  3. Miscellaneous

The first two are fairly self-explanatory. The third is a folder which was used for data exploration/cleaning. It contains some Jupyter Notebooks to import, clean, explore and export data.

Reference docs/resources

While building this project, I relied heavily on online guides/tutorials/articles to avoid reinventing the wheel. The following resources were especially useful.

  1. Material UI guide on NextJs + Typescript
  2. Digital Ocean guide on using Axios for data fetching in React
  3. Frontend data filtering in React
  4. Fullstack application using React+Django