
small PowerShell Scripts that help you automate Windows

Primary LanguagePowerShell

PowerShell Script Collection

This repository contains a collection of PowerShell scripts for various tasks on Microsoft Windows (Server).



  1. createNewFolder.ps1: This script prompts the user for a folder path and creates a new folder at that location if it doesn't already exist.

testing PowerShell Scripts

  1. PSScriptAnalyzerScript.ps1: This script allows the user to run the PSScriptAnalyzer on a script and settings file. If the script or settings file paths are not provided, the script will prompt the user to enter them.

    2.1 PSScriptAnalyzerSettings.psd1: This file contains settings for the PSScriptAnalyzer invocation.

Software Installation

  1. upgradeDatevSiPaCompact.ps1: This script allows users to install or upgrade to the current version of Datev Sicherheitspaket compact.

Template for new PowerShell Scripts

  1. template.ps1: This is a template for creating new PowerShell scripts.

Terminal Server Clients

  1. deactivateUDPforRDP.ps1: This script deactivates UDP for RDP.
  2. WindowsPhotosOnTerminalServer.ps1: This script activates the Windows Photo Viewer on a Terminal Server and sets it as default for images.


Each script can be run from the PowerShell command line. Some scripts may require additional parameters or user input.