Visual Understanding Environment

Primary LanguageJava

Visual Understanding Environment (VUE) is a powerful teaching and presentation tool.

1. Code Organization
The code is organized in following folders
 src -  the source files
 test - automatic junit tests
 lib - third party libraries used in VUE
 linux - code specific to linux operating system

2. Compiling and Running
The easiest method to compile and run VUE code is using ant version 1.6 or higher. 
"build.xml" file in src folder contains many tasks to make clean builds of complete
VUE application on Linux, Mac and Windows platforms. Here is a list of few useful tasks

default - runs VUE (need to run compile task for this to work)
clean - deletes all classes compiled earlier
compile - compiles the code
jar - creates VUE.jar which contains all the required classes and libraries to run VUE

3. Contact Information
For further information on VUE visit http://vue.tufts.edu/