
E-learning platform for learning to code interactively built with Meteor.js

Primary LanguageCoffeeScript


##Getting started

Fork the repository with the top right button and clone your fork:

git clone https://github.com/YOURGITHUBUSERNAME/codermania.git

Add the remote source to your local clone:

git remote add upstream https://github.com/Elfoslav/codermania.git

Go to app, copy and rename settings-example.json:

cd codermania && cp settings-example.json settings.json

If you want to use sending e-mails, you have to create an account on Mailgun and add it into settings.json as a value of MAIL_URL key.

Start the app:

meteor --settings settings.json

To update your clone do a pull:

git pull upstream master

Commit your changes to your fork, and create Pull Request.

##Development guide

We develop new features in dev branch or in feature branches. Once new feature is done, we merge it into master branch so we can do deploy from it.

master branch is a production branch that should only contain complete features. Push/Merge to this branch only if you want to fix a bug.

If you have local MongoDB installed, you can run this project with run.sh script: ./run.sh. Otherwise run app with meteor --settings settings.json


If you don't know CoffeeScript, you can use js2.coffee to translate JS to Coffee and Coffee to JS. See my workflow: https://youtu.be/ghYWuUaD3rc

###Feature requests

I don't know what is the best for feature requests. Trello or Github issues?


If you develop new exercises, you should cover them by tests. Tests are located in:


You can inspire yourself by existing tests.


Note that CoderMania is distributed under the MIT License.