
A small compiled and statically typed Lisp

Primary LanguageClojureMIT LicenseMIT


A small compiled and statically typed Lisp.


Depends on a C++14 compiler, Java and Leiningen being on the path.

make check

Language Properties

In rough order of importance:

  • Layered Design.
    • Small Core. (Scheme, Shen, C)
  • Gradual Regions -> GC. (Rust, Ada)
    • Memory Safety.
  • Gradual Static -> Dynamic Typing. (Clojure, Typescript)
    • Hindley-Milner Type Inference (OCaml, Rust, Typescript)
  • Easy C (or host) Interop. (C, Rust, Graal)
    • Predictable Performance.
    • SIMD Intrinsics.
    • Safe libc Wrapper.
  • Lisp Syntax. (Clojure, Scheme)
    • Standard library inspired by Clojure / Scheme R7RS + libc.
    • Macros.
    • REPL: Preferable but Not Key.
  • Gradual Purely Functional -> Systems Programming. (Clojure, OCaml, Rust)
    • Persistent Data Structures.
    • Eager By Default, Lazy Possible.
  • Verified Design by Contract. (Ada/SPARK)
  • Gradual Systems Programming -> WebAssembly (Rust, Graal)

Implementation Alternatives

Dependencies to use should be kept at minimum. So the idea of just depending on GCC for usage is quite tempting. Should be fast.

  • Bootstrap (alternatives)

    • Clojure / native image?
    • Possible self-hosting later on preferable.
  • Compilation (alternatives)

    • C (or C++) via GCC or Clang.
    • Ada via FSF (or GPL) GNAT.
    • Rust via rustc.
    • LLVM.
    • GraalVM for both native image and JVM.
  • Dependency Management (alternatives)

    • deps.edn.
    • Cargo
    • Pure git


In rough order:

  • Scheme R7RS
  • Cyclone
  • Clojure
  • Rust
  • ParaSail
  • Ada 2012 / SPARK 2014
  • Pre-Scheme
  • Shen
  • Carp

Reflections After First Week

Foil now compiles to C++17 after a few days of initially compiling to C11. C is simpler and compiles faster, but requires much more initial development to add features. Compiling to modern C++ instead gives us:

  • Local type deduction via the auto keyword.
  • Lambdas, including closures.
  • Mix of static and on-demand typing of function signatures by refinement via templates. This makes it possible to omit specifying many non-local types as well.
  • Smart pointers for managing memory via RIAA.
  • Mutable containers (collections) via STL.

The compiler is written in Clojure, and the language is read using tools.reader, which implies that Foil is source compatible with Clojure. Statements are wrapped into lambdas when necessary to become expressions. The compiler is single pass and there's no IR yet, and it directly generates C++ as it walks the s-expression tree.

Macros are implemented via a multi-method. There are a few special forms, and special handling of top-level and to allow statements within blocks without being wrapped. It supports def, defn, defstruct, fn, loop/recur, binding and let. The compiler also supports a special form $code, which emits a verbatim string into the generated source.

The compiler generates STL containers for literal vectors, list, maps and sets. It also supports regex and date literals. Basic operators are compiled directly, and have no function wrappers for now. Keywords are compiled to strings. Raw arrays are not yet supported, but can be indirectly constructed as vector literals.

Types are specified using normal Clojure tags, ^int x. If there's no type it defaults to auto. A type can also be a string, in which case it's used verbatim in the generated C++, to simplify usage of more complex signatures. For collection literals the type specifies the type contained. Modifiers :const and :dynamic compiles to const and thread_local in C++.

All generated functions are normal C++ template functions (or lambdas) so interop is the default. Member functions and fields can be called / accessed using the normal . prefix syntax. Structs can be created via postfix .. Currently all structs are created on the stack (no new keyword), and needs to be explicitly moved to the heap.

Namespaces compiles to C++ namespaces. This area is quite basic at the moment. :require/:include is supported and are compiled to #include directives.

There is no runtime or GC by design. Currently there's also no memory safety, as simply using smart pointers cannot alone guarantee it. How to solve this is open for debate. Exactly how much of the underlying machinery to expose is also an open question. I expect that there will be a foil.core library that will use interop extensively, but that user code will mainly depend on this and not usually see any C++ except for the when using libraries within the sub-domain they operate in. The goal is not to support any random C++ construct in the language, just leverage them where it makes sense. For certain usages, one would have to rely on $code or write native bridge code.

Currently all Foil code is read from standard in and C++ is written to standard out. For ease of use, this currently adds a main function if necessary. One has to manually generate individual .hpp files and a .cpp file for the file with the main method and compile them.

We could support https://github.com/arximboldi/immer which is a C++ library for persistent data structures. In practice this would involve a wrapper and some ability to decide what type literals generate. Forcing a hard dependency on this library goes against the layered approach.

My idea is to evolve this for a bit until it can do things without worrying about portability. At a later point there could be time to split the compiler up and add a second backend, so the direct dependency on C++ is minimised.

The compiler is currently written in Clojure, and no attempt has been made to make this easily portable, and Foil-Clojure compatibility isn't a goal. The aim is to eventually migrate the compiler to a commonly supported subset of Foil and Clojure so it can become self-hosting. This will be done in part by adding features to Foil so it can compile itself, and in part to simplify the Clojure used by the compiler to make it easier to port. Self-hosting isn't a short-term goal.

As mentioned above, Foil macros are implemented via a multi-method, but this will likely be rewritten to use a more basic subset of Clojure, but the idea is to also extend it with support for Scheme-style syntax-rules. This way macros can be defined in a declarative way in Foil itself, without the need for new code to be executed at compile time. But some low-level macros will still be implemented in the compiler, just not in an extensible way.

This common subset of Clojure and Foil should eventually be well defined. This doesn't necessarily mean support for reader conditionals or .cljc in Foil, just defining a set that should work on both so one can consciously choose to target writing code in this set for certain use cases.

Reflections After Second Week

Foil has mainly grown and gotten more features and the core has been split out to a .hpp file written in Foil. Many new (and improved) macros and functions. Some support for atoms and smart pointers.

But the details of this can be seen in the code and in the git history. Let's instead reflect on the initial points set out at day one, as Foil has somewhat drifted into something more concrete.

Layered Design.

Small Core. (Scheme, Shen, C)

The core is small, and so is the compiler. But most of it's not currently reusable in any real sense, as there's a lot of things that tie both to C++ at the moment. The compiler still just walks the Lisp code and generates C++ directly without any intermediate passes or representation.

Gradual Regions -> GC. (Rust, Ada)

Memory Safety.

Foil embraces normal C++ RIAA and by default creates all data on the stack. Smart pointers can be used to create data on the heap. Raw pointer and array access is possible. So this area is still very basic.

I'm considering to introduce unsafe blocks, and disallow (explicit) pointer and array access outside it (and potentially also interop). Foil doesn't support nil directly, but functions may still return nullptr during interop and some functions are inherently unsafe, like front on an empty vector for example.

There's an example of first-opt which uses std::optional, but going down this route is quite intrusive, but would move the language closer to OCaml or Rust. Pattern matching then becomes if not needed, at least desirable.

Gradual Static -> Dynamic Typing. (Clojure, Typescript)

Hindley-Milner Type Inference (OCaml, Rust, Typescript)

Currently this is all done via auto type deduction and templates. Many places require explicit types, especially when it comes to collection element types. Templates make the compilation slower, but in overall this area works quite well.

C++ has quite confusing (or elaborate) reference, move and copy semantics, so it's bound to have some issues currently. By default local variables are created as by value and function template parameters as by reference, this is a bit ad-hoc.

Easy C (or host) Interop. (C, Rust, Graal)

Predictable Performance.

SIMD Intrinsics.

Safe libc Wrapper.

As Foil compiles directly to C++, all this is potentially alreaday there. There's no safe wrappers yet, and performance isn't necessarily predicable or tuned. Foil has a $code macro the allows to splice in verbal host (C++) code into the generated output.

Lisp Syntax. (Clojure, Scheme)

Standard library inspired by Clojure / Scheme R7RS + libc.


REPL: Preferable but Not Key.

Apart from REPL all this is true, but macros still have to be written using Clojure. foil.core is inspired by clojure.core and is a superset of a subset. For a while I aimed to keep it R7RS inspired as well, but decided to stick mainly to Clojure as it created too much duplication and confusion in a small language.

Gradual Purely Functional -> Systems Programming. (Clojure, OCaml, Rust)

Persistent Data Structures.

Eager By Default, Lazy Possible.

Foil currently only support eager, mutable collections, but it does also support the basic higher order functions expected from functional programming. Unlike Clojure, variables can be declared to be mutable by adding ^:mut.

Verified Design by Contract. (Ada/SPARK)

Nothing done here yet.

Gradual Systems Programming -> WebAssembly (Rust, Graal)

Foil still only compiles to C++.

Reflections After Third Week


This week was quite slow, the main thing is that I've ditched std::forward_list for foil::core::ConsList which is a normal cons list implemented in Foil itself. This lead to allowing for usage of a few more C++ constructs so one could express the iterators etc. directly in Foil. This list uses std::shared_ptr to allow for sharing of tails.

I've added :unsafe meta data which is necessary to use to compile operations using raw pointers.

I've also added the start of a small set of testing utilities, with the aim to refactor example.cljc into tests.cljc and group it into reasonable tests.

doseq and for now support the expected directives like :let, :while and :when.

Allowing | to represent , in tags which removes the need for most (but not all) use of string tags.


At this point Foil is quite complete for what it is. Many library functions could be added (and potentially tranducers etc.), but the semantics of the language is now quite clear. It fully embraces RIAA and use of smart pointers, and compiles down to quite readable C++.

The compiler is still single pass, and I've let the formatting slide a bit, as that's actually one of the harder things to keep track of while generating the output.

My next steps will mainly involve cleaning up the tests and then decide what to do next. I've started to read about region based memory management and doing more research again, and there are several ways from here that could be taken:

  1. Evolve Foil as is and just add more features (see above).
  2. Try to add custom region based allocators and do more analysis when compiling to aim for memory safety.
  3. Decouple the compiler front end better from the code generator.
  4. Redo the entire thing and target Rust instead of C++. Rust doesn't have templates the same way C++ has, so the compilation strategy (or language semantics) likely must change a bit. My impression is that generating the correct lifetimes will be quite hard, but this would potentially still be easier than the next option.
  5. Retarget to something simpler, like C+libc or WASM+WASI. This requires more work in the compiler, but gives full control over the semantics. This requires doing proper type and lifetime analysis / inference.
  6. Consider Truffle/JVM.
  7. Back to the drawing board.

As it stands, Foil isn't very portable, as it's heavily tied to C++, RIAA and STL. Some analysis what one wants to achieve is needed before pushing further. There are two slightly conflicting goals at play, creating a small non-GC Lisp that allows for systems programming, and creating a small Lisp that can be ported easily to different targets.

One implicit goal here is to tease out the minimal useable subset of Clojure one wants to have available in this core. If this subset is small enough, and coupled with a portable test suite, reuse might not be that necessary as it's potentially easy to rewrite it for each target. More advanced features can then be built on and share the core.

Reflections After Fourth Week

The biggest change was porting the tests to the new testing framework which is a small subset of clojure.test. I also tweaked how recursive function calls are done from using a static field in the function struct to a local variable pointing to itself. This was due to various template issues and simply worked better.

I've added several more of the normal sequence functions, and I also added a small spike of how transducers could look, but this is far from finished. I did another spike (in embedded C++) allowing keywords to be used like functions. This worked, but backed it out as it would have required a lot of extra features to be added to be possible to be expressed directly in Foil.

I did add :ref for returns and made :val the implicit default, to avoid one doesn't accidentally return a local reference. This means auto is the default in C++, which will return the raw type, while :ref depends on decltype(auto) to maintain potential reference qualifiers. I'm not 100% about this, but the basics seems to work. The general idea is that you should only ever return a reference if it was given to you as an argument.

In general, as mentioned last week, I see phase one of Foil now being more or less complete, and it's time to take a step back and reflect. So the outlook above still stands, but let me add a retrospective and some open questions.

Retrospective and Questions

  1. How much is actually copied? I don't fully understand the C++ move semantics, containers and references. Java and C are both clear, but C++ feels more complex.
  2. But C++ and templates gives us a lot. That said, the amount of C++ and template parameters that are necessary in foil.core makes it hard to reuse things for different targets, or impose your own style. This isn't necessarily a problem, but the question then becomes how much one should embrace C++. One is often forced to create more overloads of a function than one wants to deal with universal references.
  3. Template errors aren't necessarily complicated to fix, but often extremely verbose, so it can be hard to figure out what the actual problem is.
  4. The confusion over values, references and RIAA makes it hard to make any firm statements on what semantics the language actually has. This might not be an issue and can likely be incrementally improved. Working a bit with someone who knows C++ well to do a review would be useful.
  5. Related to the above, it makes it hard to know if it's worth the effort to try to get region based memory management into the C++ version. C++ has its own allocator concept. But it feels hard to do anything clever here before one understands the foundations fully.

I'm happy where Foil ended up, and think the current version has promise. But that said, I'm parking it for a bit to explore the problem from a different angle. I'm going back to the original C roots, and started working on Hindley Milner type inference and hope to compile this to a small Lisp with lambdas but without closures (for now) to C, and then explore adding region inference into the same language, using similar tree walking analysis. Doing the C++ version of Foil first, which has been easier to add features to and explore, will help guide the next phase.

Memory Management

The idea in Foil is to use the stack as much as possible, and only return references that were given as parameters, this is usually done in functions that modify its input, like conj! and to allow chaining. The assumption is the return value optimisation in C++ will make creating and returning values cheap enough.

Sometimes this pattern leads to undefined behaviour though, as functions like conj! mentioned above might return a reference to a local variable in a way one didn't intend, and which might then get returned again from the enclosing function by mistake. I've changed the default to return by value to avoid this as much as possible.

C++ distinctions between lvalues and rvalues also complicates things and can also lead to undefined (or at least unexpected) behaviour, as well as leading to duplication as one has to ensure there are overloads taking universal references available in some cases.

The way move and copy assignment works in C++ is also somewhat confusing, as coming from Java or Clojure, local variables don't always behave as one expect.


Unknown to me, turns out there are (at least) a few things called foil, a couple of old programming languages from the 60-70s, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/FOIL_(programming_language) but also a pre-Clojure project by Hickey: http://foil.sourceforge.net/ (!)

So the name should be seen as a project name only, not the eventual name of any eventual language.




































































Copyright © 2019 Håkan Råberg.

Distributed under the MIT License.