Common base actions needed on servers
The following are the options available with the task:
# Operating System specific values
ubuntu_version_name: non empty string <required>
# sets the system swappiness level, i.e the aggressiveness
# at which the kernel may swap memory. 0 means least aggressive
# while 100 is maximum aggressiveness.
swappiness: [int]
# OpenSSH configuration
# single (or list of) user(s) that should have ssh access
- [string]
# the ssh port to listen to [0, 65535]
ssh_port: [int]
# User configuration
disable_root_login: boolean
user_groups: array of groups to create
- id: integer
name: non empty string <required if creating group>
users: array of users to create
- id: integer
name: non empty string <required>
comment: non empty string
id: integer <required if group is defined>
name: non empty string <required if group is defined>
- hrafn
- sudo
password: non empty string. Defaults to '!' (locked user)
sudoer_file_nopasswd: boolean. Default false
shell: [/bin/bash, /bin/zsh]
disable_login: boolean. Default false
create_home: boolean. Default true
authorized_keys: array of non empty strings
# UFW configuration
# Existence of 'ufw' will install it.
state: [enabled, disabled, reloaded, reset]
logging: [on, off, low, medium, high, full]
incoming: [deny, allow, reject]
outgoing: [deny, allow, reject]
- comment: non empty string <required>
policy: [allow, limit, deny, reject] <required>
interface: non empty string
delete: boolean. Removes rule if exists
from_ip: ipv4/ipv6 number, defaults to 'any'
to_port: integer between [0, 65535] <required>
protocol: [any (default), tcp, udp, ipv6, esp, ah, gre, igmp]
- comment: non empty string <required>
policy: [allow, limit, deny, reject] <required>
interface: non empty string
delete: boolean. Removes rule if exists
to_ip: ipv4/v6 number, defaults to 'any'
to_port: integer between 0 and 65535 <required>
protocol: [any (default), tcp, udp, ipv6, esp, ah, gre, igmp]
# fail2ban configuration
# Existence of 'fail2ban' will install it.
# Indicates the state change that should be applied via systemd at the end of fail2ban configuration
state: [started, reloaded, restarted, stopped]
# If present, will cause a configuration file to be configured at '/etc/fail2ban/fail2ban.local'
# Indicates if a backup should be made of the configuration file that might already exist.
# Defaults to 'false'
backup: [boolean]
# If true, indicates that the file should be generated from a template path (referenced
# file needs to be inside the /templates directory).
# If false, then a direct file copy will be performed from the files path (referenced file
# needs to be inside /files directory).
is_template: [boolean]
# The file path relative to the type directory (templates/files).
path: [string]
# If present, will cause a jail file to be configured at '/etc/fail2ban/jail.local'
# Indicates if a backup should be made of any jail file that might already exist.
# Defaults to 'false'.
backup: [boolean]
# If true, indicates that the file should be generated from a template path (referenced
# file needs to be inside the /templates directory).
# If false, then a direct file copy will be performed from the files path (referenced file
# needs to be inside /files directory).
is_template: [boolean]
# The file path relative to the type directory (templates/files).
path: [string]
# If present, will configure individual jails at '/etc/fail2ban/jail.d/name.local'
# (required) the name of the file without ending
name: [string]
# Indicates if a backup should be made of any jail files that might already
# exist with the given name. Defaults to false.
backup: [boolean]
# If true, indicates that the file should be generated from a template path (referenced
# file needs to be inside the /templates directory).
# If false, then a direct file copy will be performed from the files path (referenced file
# needs to be inside /files directory).
is_template: [boolean]
# The file path relative to the type directory (templates/files)
path: [string]
# If present, will configure individual jails at '/etc/fail2ban/filters/name.conf'
# (required) the name of the file without ending
name: [string]
# Indicates if a backup should be made of any jail files that might already
# exist with the given name. Defaults to false.
backup: [boolean]
# If true, indicates that the file should be generated from a template path (referenced
# file needs to be inside the /templates directory).
# If false, then a direct file copy will be performed from the files path (referenced file
# needs to be inside /files directory).
is_template: [boolean]
# The file path relative to the type directory (templates/files)
path: [string]
# Docker installation
# Existence of 'docker' will install docker
# Existence of 'compose' will install compose
# the version number of compose to install. [required]
version: [string]
# logrotate configuration
# The following variables are defined in the dependency 'robertdebock/ansible-role-logrotate'
# What the default frequency should be. If missing, defaults to weekly
logrotate_frequency: [daily, weekly, monthly]
# How many files to keep. If missing, defaults to 4
logrotate_keep: [int]
# If compression should be used. If missing, defaults to yes
logrotate_compress: [boolean]
# Individual log rotate entries
# (required) the name used for the logrotate file
- name: [string]
# (required) logrotate supported path to log file/s
path: [string]
# overrides the default frequency value for this entry only
frequency: [daily, weekly, monthly]
# overrides the default logrotate keep value for this entry only.
keep: [int]
# overrides the default logrotate compress value for this entry only.
compress: [boolean]
# copy the original log file without modifying it.
# see:
copylog: [boolean]
# truncate the original file to zero after creating a copy.
# see:
copytruncate: [boolean]
# postpone compression of the previous log file to the next rotation cycle.
# see:
delaycompress: [boolean]
# use yesterdays date rather than today when creating the 'dateext' extension
# see:
dateyesterday: [boolean]
# command to run after log file rotation
postrotate: [string]
# immediatly after rotation the log file is created.
# see:
create: [boolean]
# if the log file is missing, go on to the next one without issuing an error message.
missingok: [boolean]
# if the log file is missing, issue an error. This is default.
# see:
nomissingok: [boolean]
# the chmod to use when using 'create'
create_mode: [string]
# the user owner of the file when using 'create'
create_user: [string]
# the group owner of the file when using 'create'
create_group: [string]
# archive old versions of log files adding a date extension rather than numbers.
# see:
dateext: [boolean]
# the dateformat to use when using 'dateext'
# see:
dateformat: [string]
# the size at which logs are rotate if they surpass it, but not until the next rotation 'frequency' is reached.
# see:
minsize: [string]
# do not rotate the log if it is empty.
# see:
notifempty: [boolean]
# if true then scripts matched in rules are only run once even if they are defined for multiple rules.
# see:
sharedscripts: [boolean]