
The Transformer from "Attention is All You Need"

Primary LanguagePython


An original implementation of the paper Attention is All You Need by Vaswani et al.

Loss (Conditional KL-Divergence in bits

Loss (Conditional KL-Divergence in bits (zoom)

Shown above is a training run for about 260k steps (about 16 epochs per 100k steps). Blue: perplexity on WMT14/en-de 4.5 M training, with dropout. Orange: perplexity on newstest2013, with dropout. Green: perplexity on newstest2013, no dropout. Red: Bleu score on newstest2013 set, no dropout. newstest2013 has 3000 sentences.

Learning rate

The learning rate schedule is as given in the paper, section 5.3, page 7, equation 3.

def make_learning_rate_fn(warmup_steps, M):
    # from section 5.3, page 7, equation 3
    def lr_fn(step):
        factor = jax.lax.min(step ** -0.5, step * warmup_steps ** -1.5)
        new_lr = M ** -0.5 * factor
        # jax.debug.print('learn_rate: {}', new_lr)
        return new_lr

Getting Started


This repo is written using Jax and Haiku, and tested using Google Colab TPU. On the German-English dataset, consisting of 4.5 million sentence pairs, the base model trains to 100k steps in about 16 hours. It achieves a Bleu score 25.5 and PPL 4.95 at 100k training steps, very similar to the reported values of 25.8 and 4.92 for the same model and training stage.

I tried to stay as close as possible to the original architecture. However, there is one major change which is that I used Pre-LN instead of the original Post-LN. I implemented everything from scratch, including the data packing, entire model, beam search, incremental inference using kv-cache. However, I adapted the Blue score calculation function from the original tensor2tensor repo, so as to be sure I was using the same metric. A companion blog article, transformer-from-scratch documents many details of the code design and various problems.


Install the package with:

pip install git+https://github.com/hrbigelow/transformer-aiayn.git

Training the BPE Tokenizer

Train a byte-pair encoded (BPE) tokenizer on English-German sentence pair dataset. The first time this is launched, the dataset will be downloaded to DOWNLOAD_DIR. Subsequent times will use the cached data stored there.

You must choose the desired vocabulary size. Other datasets can be found with tfds.list_builders().

NOTE: It is ultimately much faster to run this and the next command locally rather than using the combination of Colab and Google Cloud Storage. Once the dataset is downloaded locally, training the tokenizer takes about 2 minutes. Whereas, my attempt to train it on Colab using the dataset downloaded to a GCS bucket ran for over 40 minutes without finishing. Also, HuggingFace's progress meter doesn't work in Colab, but it works when running locally.

python aiayn/preprocess.py train_tokenizer \
  ~/tensorflow_datasets \
  huggingface:wmt14/de-en \
  36500 \

Tokenizing the dataset

Now that you have a trained tokenizer (the tokenizer_file), use it to convert the text-based sentence-pair dataset into token sequences (integer arrays) and save them to tf.record files. It is considered best practice to save this dataset in multiple shards. This somehow simplifies the process of parallelized reads during training. Since TPUs are so fast, it is actually somewhat common for the bottleneck to be data loading speed.

Perform this step for both the train and validation splits of the dataset.

# python aiayn/preprocess.py tokenize_dataset DOWNLOAD_DIR DATASET_NAME SPLIT \
python aiayn/preprocess.py tokenize_dataset \
   ~/tensorflow_datasets huggingface:wmt14/de-en train de-en-bpe.36500.json \
   8 ~/de-en-train/{}.tfrecord en de

Once finished, upload the .tfrecord files to Google Cloud Storage using gcloud storage cp command. You will need to set things up with Google Cloud.

NOTE: I have also tried using gdrive for the persistence. It is possible to mount it into a Colab. However, it is not as reliable or performant and I do not recommend it, even though the initial setup with GCS takes some work.

Train the model

Train the Encoder-Decoder model (design based on Attention Is All You Need) on the data. The settings below work for a TPU.

Open in Colab

python3 aiayn/train.py \
  --dataset_glob 'de-en-train/*.tfrecord' \
  --val_dataset_glob 'de-en-val/*.tfrecord' \
  --batch_dim0 96 \ # Total number of sentence-pairs per SGD batch
  --accum_steps 2 \ # Number of gradient accumulation steps
  --ckpt_every 3000 \ 
  --eval_every 100 \    # Compute scores on validation dataset every __ steps
  --val_loop_elem 32 \ # Process this many validation sentence pairs per loop
  --ckpt_dir ~/checkpoints \
  --resume_ckpt None \ # Supply an integer here to resume from a saved checkpoint
  --report_every 10 \   # Interval for print metrics to stdout
  --max_source_len 320 \  # maximum length in tokens for source sentences
  --max_target_len 320 \  # maximum length in tokens for target sentences
  --swap_source_target True \ # If true, swap the source and target sentences
  --shuffle_size 100000 \     # Buffer size for randomizing data element order
  --label_smooth_eps 0.1 \    # Factor for mixing in a uniform distribution to labels
  --tokenizer_file de-en.bpe.36500.json
# --streamvis_run_name test \ # Scoping name for visualizing data from different runs
# --streamvis_path svlog \    # Log file for logging visualization data
# --streamvis_buffer_items 100 # How many logging data points to visualize

Run the model

Run the trained model on some input sentences, in this case newstest2013.en and write the translation results to results.out. It is crucial that pos_encoding_factor is set to the same value as was used for training. (In fact, it should instead be saved as part of the model checkpoint).

python3 aiayn/sample.py sample \
 --ckpt_dir checkpoints \
 --resume_ckpt 85000 \
 --tokenizer_file de-en.bpe.36500.json \
 --batch_file newstest2013.en \ 
 --out_file results.out \
 --batch_dim0 64 \
 --max_source_len 150 \
 --max_target_len 150 \
 --random_seed 12345 \
 --beam_size 4 \
 --beam_search_beta 0.0 \
 --pos_encoding_factor 1.0

Evaluate the results

python3 aiayn/sample.py evaluate newstest2013.de results.out


batch_dim0 is so-named in order to emphasize that it is just one dimension of the the actual batch, which are individual tokens from each target sentence. The original 'base model' paper trained with ~25,000 target tokens per batch. With a max_target_len of 320 and 96 sentences in a batch, this leaves a maximum room of 30,720 target tokens. However, tokens are packed, and an average occupancy of the packed data is around 25,000.

When training on a TPU for technical reasons, the quantity batch_dim0 / accum_steps must be evenly divisible by the number of cores (8 on a TPU). In the example above, that quantity is 48. This means that each core handles a batch of 6 sentence pairs for each of two gradient accumulation steps.

Memory consumption of attention modules is N^2 with context. With a TPU v3 memory, a context of 320 fits well and is sufficient to cover quite long sentences in the training set.

The validation dataset provided in val_dataset_glob is loaded entirely into memory, so it is expected to be a few thousand examples. During training, every eval_every SGD steps, this entire set is evaluated twice - once with a 'training mode' model (the same model that is training using SGD) and the second is the 'testing mode' model - one without dropout enabled. The validation dataset is evaluated in batches of val_loop_elem, which should just be set to as high a number as can fit in the device memory.