
⸗ ⸚ ‑ R interface to Hunspell hyphenation

Primary LanguageCOtherNOASSERTION

Project Status: Active – The project has reached a stable, usable state and is being actively developed. Signed by Signed commit %

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Tools to Hyphenate Strings Using the ‘Hunspell’ Hyphenation Library


Identifying hyphenation points in strings can be useful for both text processing and display functions. The ‘Hunspell’ hyphenation library https://github.com/hunspell/hyphen provides tools to perform hyphenation using custom language rule dictionaries. Many hyphenation rules dictionaries are included. Words can be hyphenated directly or split into hyphenated component strings for further processing.

Special thanks to

  • @daroczig & @edwindj for language testing.

What’s Inside The Tin

The following functions are implemented:

  • cleanup: Cleanup after ourselves
  • curr_dict: Identify current hyphen rules language
  • hyphenate: Hyphenate a character vector of words
  • hyphendict_is_loaded: Test to see if the hyphenation language rules dictionary is loaded
  • list_dicts: List available hyphenation languages rules
  • switch_dict: Switch hyphen rules language



NOTE: To use the ‘remotes’ install options you will need to have the {remotes} package installed.



# current version
## [1] '0.4.1'

# current verison
## [1] '0.4.1'

##  [1] "af_ZA"  "bg_BG"  "ca"     "cs_CZ"  "da_DK"  "de"     "de_AT"  "de_CH"  "de_DE"  "el_GR"  "en_GB"  "en_US" 
## [13] "es_ANY" "et_EE"  "fr"     "gl"     "hr_HR"  "hu_HU"  "id_ID"  "is"     "it_IT"  "lt"     "lt_LT"  "lv_LV" 
## [25] "nb_NO"  "nl_NL"  "nn_NO"  "pl_PL"  "pt_BR"  "pt_PT"  "ro_RO"  "ru_RU"  "sh"     "sk_SK"  "sl_SI"  "sr"    
## [37] "sv"     "te_IN"  "uk_UA"  "zu_ZA"

## [1] "en_US"

# test word list (10K words)
dat <- readLines(system.file("extdata/top10000en.txt", package="hyphenatr"))

microbenchmark(out1 <- hyphenate(dat))
## Unit: milliseconds
##                    expr      min       lq     mean   median       uq      max neval
##  out1 <- hyphenate(dat) 9.553738 9.890184 9.910834 9.905088 9.927863 10.92806   100

##  [1] "got"            "fam=ily"        "pol=icy"        "in=vestors"     "record"         "loss"          
##  [7] "re=ceived"      "April"          "Ex=change"      "code"           "graph=ics"      "agency"        
## [13] "in=creased"     "man=ager"       "keep"           "look"           "of=ten"         "de=signed"     
## [19] "Euro=pean"      "earn=ings"      "en=vi=ron=ment" "July"           "job"            "third"         
## [25] "wa=ter"         "net"            "banks"          "an=a=lysts"     "strong"         "party"         
## [31] "econ=omy"       "away"           "dol=lar"        "taken"          "de=vel=oped"    "con=tinue"     
## [37] "al=low"         "Mi=crosoft"     "key"            "ei=ther"        "se=cu=rity"     "project"       
## [43] "agreed"         "though"         "Ja=pan"         "rather"         "coun=tries"     "plant"         
## [49] "along"          "Ap=ple"         "ac=tion"

microbenchmark(out2 <- hyphenate(dat, simplify=FALSE))
## Unit: milliseconds
##                                      expr      min       lq     mean   median     uq      max neval
##  out2 <- hyphenate(dat, simplify = FALSE) 11.45954 11.60546 11.93981 12.06023 12.146 13.68338   100

jsonlite::toJSON(out2[530:540], pretty=TRUE)
## [
##   ["econ", "omy"],
##   ["away"],
##   ["dol", "lar"],
##   ["taken"],
##   ["de", "vel", "oped"],
##   ["con", "tinue"],
##   ["al", "low"],
##   ["Mi", "crosoft"],
##   ["key"],
##   ["ei", "ther"],
##   ["se", "cu", "rity"]
## ]

microbenchmark(out3 <- hyphenate(dat, simplify="-"))
## Unit: milliseconds
##                                    expr      min       lq     mean   median       uq      max neval
##  out3 <- hyphenate(dat, simplify = "-") 12.12632 12.21974 12.33201 12.28194 12.34863 13.34341   100

##  [1] "got"            "fam-ily"        "pol-icy"        "in-vestors"     "record"         "loss"          
##  [7] "re-ceived"      "April"          "Ex-change"      "code"           "graph-ics"      "agency"        
## [13] "in-creased"     "man-ager"       "keep"           "look"           "of-ten"         "de-signed"     
## [19] "Euro-pean"      "earn-ings"      "en-vi-ron-ment" "July"           "job"            "third"         
## [25] "wa-ter"         "net"            "banks"          "an-a-lysts"     "strong"         "party"         
## [31] "econ-omy"       "away"           "dol-lar"        "taken"          "de-vel-oped"    "con-tinue"     
## [37] "al-low"         "Mi-crosoft"     "key"            "ei-ther"        "se-cu-rity"     "project"       
## [43] "agreed"         "though"         "Ja-pan"         "rather"         "coun-tries"     "plant"         
## [49] "along"          "Ap-ple"         "ac-tion"

microbenchmark(out4 <- hyphenate(dat, simplify="&shy;"))
## Unit: milliseconds
##                                        expr     min       lq    mean   median       uq      max neval
##  out4 <- hyphenate(dat, simplify = "&shy;") 12.3114 12.78394 12.9895 12.96935 13.05192 14.70904   100

##  [1] "got"                        "fam&shy;ily"                "pol&shy;icy"                "in&shy;vestors"            
##  [5] "record"                     "loss"                       "re&shy;ceived"              "April"                     
##  [9] "Ex&shy;change"              "code"                       "graph&shy;ics"              "agency"                    
## [13] "in&shy;creased"             "man&shy;ager"               "keep"                       "look"                      
## [17] "of&shy;ten"                 "de&shy;signed"              "Euro&shy;pean"              "earn&shy;ings"             
## [21] "en&shy;vi&shy;ron&shy;ment" "July"                       "job"                        "third"                     
## [25] "wa&shy;ter"                 "net"                        "banks"                      "an&shy;a&shy;lysts"        
## [29] "strong"                     "party"                      "econ&shy;omy"               "away"                      
## [33] "dol&shy;lar"                "taken"                      "de&shy;vel&shy;oped"        "con&shy;tinue"             
## [37] "al&shy;low"                 "Mi&shy;crosoft"             "key"                        "ei&shy;ther"               
## [41] "se&shy;cu&shy;rity"         "project"                    "agreed"                     "though"                    
## [45] "Ja&shy;pan"                 "rather"                     "coun&shy;tries"             "plant"                     
## [49] "along"                      "Ap&shy;ple"                 "ac&shy;tion"


## [1] "tä=gelîch"

hhhash Metrics

Lang # Files (%) LoC (%) Blank lines (%) # Lines (%)
C 3 0.12 1147 0.42 151 0.33 188 0.22
C++ 2 0.08 92 0.03 23 0.05 21 0.03
C/C++ Header 2 0.08 60 0.02 33 0.07 128 0.15
R 6 0.23 60 0.02 23 0.05 81 0.10
SUM 13 0.50 1359 0.50 230 0.50 418 0.50

{cloc} 📦 metrics for hyphenatr

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Please note that this project is released with a Contributor Code of Conduct. By participating in this project you agree to abide by its terms.