
Python script to display various information on an ODROID-SHOW

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


SHOWtime is a simple Python script which allows different kinds of information to be displayed on a ODROID-SHOW. SHOWtime uses tabs to display information; each tab is displayed for a period of time, after which the tab is changed to the next one.

=== RUNNING SHOWtime === Assuming you have done everything listed in the INSTALL file, you can run SHOWtime by running the following command

# python showtime.py

=== CONFIGURATION === Certain parameters, such as tab change interval, can be set by passing arguments to the script

--tab, -t: start from which tab (default=1) --time, -T: for how many seconds should a tab be shown before changing to the next one


--port, -p: serial port to use as the output (default=/dev/ttyUSB0)

Shown tabs and tab-specific settings can be changed in the config.py file.

=== DONATIONS === If you liked SHOWtime, consider sending a small tip to the following Bitcoin address
