
Primary LanguagePython

Build status:

Build Status

Usage and development guide

This project uses python's virtualenv in order to share and maintain libraries. The list of currently used libraries is listed in requirements.txt. This list should be updated whenever a new library or tool is installed.



Installation for this project is as follows. To install, first create an environment variable called FLASK_APP set to idb/__init__.py. In Linux, this is export FLASK_APP=idb/__init__.py. Then, run make install.

To run, simply run make run. Finally, to have non-default configs copy default_config.py in instance/ to application.py and fill with your desired config values.


First, create your own config file from the default config in instance/. Call the config file application.py. One key value to change is to set MODE = 'PRODUCTION'. Fill out the rest of the config as necessary.

To install on the production server, run make install. You must [set up NGINX and Gunicorn] (https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/how-to-serve-flask-applications-with-gunicorn-and-nginx-on-ubuntu-16-04) to get the site to work.

To make a change to an existing production, do the following. If a new module is required, make sure it is in requirements.txt. Then run make restart-prod.


The UML diagram is generated via PlantUML

Connecting to AWS server

To connect to AWS server, first download the pem file on Slack. Then ssh by saying $ ssh -i "FileName.pem" ubuntu@caloriekiller.club



Lab machines installation

To install Postman on the lab machines, run the following command:

cd ~ && mkdir apt-src bin && wget https://dl.pstmn.io/download/latest/linux64 -O apt-src/postman.tar.gz && tar -xvf apt-src/postman.tar.gz -C apt-src/ && rm apt-src/postman.tar.gz && ln -s ~/apt-src/Postman/Postman ~/bin/postman && echo "export PATH=$HOME/bin:\$PATH" >> .bash_profile && source .bash_profile

An explanation of the commands:

# Install files in home directory
cd ~

# Make a location for source files and for executables
mkdir apt-src bin

# Download postman
wget https://dl.pstmn.io/download/latest/linux64 -O apt-src/postman.tar.gz

# Extract postman and delete the tar
tar -xvf apt-src/postman.tar.gz -C apt-src/
rm apt-src/postman.tar.gz

# Link the executable to bin
ln -s ~/apt-src/Postman/Postman ~/bin/postman

# Include bin in $PATH and reload path
echo "export PATH=$HOME/bin:\$PATH" >> .bash_profile
source .bash_profile

Then to run, simply type postman.

macOS installation

To install Postman on macOS (make sure to have Homebrew already installed; if not, instructions located here:

brew cask install postman

Then to run:

open -a postman


This is a project for CS373 Software Engineering.

The group consists of:

  1. Harrison Foreman
  2. Brandon Harrison
  3. Wesley Joe
  4. Bao Than
  5. Cindy Truong

Autoformatter hook grabbed from: https://github.com/chibiegg/git-autopep8/blob/master/pre-commit Gunicorn and NGINX installation guide: https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/how-to-serve-flask-applications-with-gunicorn-and-nginx-on-ubuntu-16-04