Stock Price Predictor

To get started fork this repo

Create a local installation of MindsDB following this guide

After download these datasets: Tesla Stock Data
Microsoft Stock Data
Apple Stock Data
Amazon Stock Data

Import these datasets on your installation and run these commands to create the predictor models required for the application:

CREATE PREDICTOR mindsdb.ApplePredictor FROM files (SELECT * FROM ApplePrices) PREDICT Close
CREATE PREDICTOR mindsdb.TeslaPredictor FROM files (SELECT * FROM TeslaPrices) PREDICT Close
CREATE PREDICTOR mindsdb.AmazonPredictor FROM files (SELECT * FROM AmazonPrices) PREDICT Close
CREATE PREDICTOR mindsdb.MicrosoftPredictor FROM files (SELECT * FROM MicrosoftPrices) PREDICT High

Run the app with python and get predicting!