
Socket programming

A shop outlet has a log maintained for users billing for every date. The fields and purpose are as below:

Date->Date of purchase

User id->The user id

Item id->Product id

Price->Price per product

Date->Date of purchase

A sample log is shown

Date: 21/1/2021

User id: 1001

Item id Quantity Priceperproduct

101 2 100

111 1 200

333 1 500

444 2 700

Tot. product: 6 Total sum 2600

Tot . products and Total sum should not be entered. It should be computed.

Get for 2 more users for the same date 21/1/2021

Get for 3 users for the date 22/1/2021

Create a client server program with multiple clients. The program should have the following functionality:

•	The client program should have the facility to enter the required info such as user_id, pdt_id,date, count of products, price per quantity

•	Upon entering the server should display the Billing info for the specific customer as shown above along with the Total as No.of.products and Total
price . 

•	The server program will provide the following features:

•	On entering the date it should display the Day wise sales.

•	Product wise quantity sold for each date

•	Given the user id, it should give the date of purchase made by the user and total amount.

•	On entering a option “Total sales” it should sum and say the total sales 
	For the month