
Primary LanguageHTMLMIT LicenseMIT

Tejal Shinde v8.x.x

This repository holds the source code for Tejal Shinde's portfolio (hosted on Netlify). It's the 8th iteration of the website, this one being built with Hugo.

Note that, this is not a theme for Hugo. It is a standalone website, which uses Hugo as a Static Site Generator (SSG). Thus, if you wish to use this as a template, you will most likely have to directly modify the source code. This document tries to cover all the (important) aspects of the website, and should be enough to get you started.

Directory structure

The directory structure is as follows (with the explanation following the diagram):

├── @types/
│   ├── netlify__cache-utils/
│   │   └── index.d.ts
├── assets/
│   ├── css/
│   │   ├── bundle.scss
│   │   └── styles.css
│   ├── images/
│   │   ├── og.jpg
│   └── js/
│       └── bundle.ts
├── content/
│   ├── 404/
│   │   └── index.md
│   ├── about/
│   │   ├── assets/
│   │   │   └── [files]
│   │   └── index.md
│   ├── contact/
│   │   └── index.md
│   └── work/
│       ├── advertising/
│       │   ├── [project]/
│       │   │   ├── assets/
│       │   │   │   ├── [files]
│       │   │   │   └── cover.jpg
│       │   │   └── index.md
│       │   └── _index.md
│       ├── fashion/
│       │   ├── [project]/
│       │   │   ├── assets/
│       │   │   │   ├── [files]
│       │   │   │   └── cover.jpg
│       │   │   └── index.md
│       │   └── _index.md
│       └── _index.md
├── _index.md
├── layouts/
│   ├── _default/
│   │   └── baseof.html
│   ├── page/
│   │   ├── 404.html
│   │   ├── about.html
│   │   └── contact.html
│   ├── partials/
│   │   ├── gallery.html
│   │   ├── heading.html
│   │   ├── icon.html
│   │   ├── image.html
│   │   ├── tooltip.html
│   │   └── video.html
│   └── work/
│       ├── [project].html
│       └── section.html
│   ├── index.html
│   └── robots.txt
├── static/
│   ├── fonts/
│   │   ├── montserrat-italic.woff2
│   │   └── montserrat-regular.woff2
│   └── favicon.ico
├── .gitattributes
├── .gitignore
├── hugo.toml
├── license.md
├── netlify.toml
├── package.json
├── readme.md
├── scripts.ts
├── scripts.tsconfig.json
├── tsconfig.json
└── uno.config.ts

This is a typical directory structure for a Hugo website. If there are some unknowns, please refer to the Hugo documentation on directory structure. Along with the files and folders documented there, there are some other files required for the website to work. Anything that's not listed above can most likely be safely deleted.


While most SSGs are used to write single or similar templates for similar pages and write their content in Markdown, unfortunately, due to the nature of content for this site, that is not the case. Almost every page has its own layout. The only few components that are common across all or multiple pages have been added directly in ./layouts/_default/baseof.html. That file also imports all CSS and JS bundles, handles SEO and similar stuff.

Moving on, each single page has its own layout, which is stored in ./layouts/page/. Currently, this directory has ./404.html, ./about.html, and ./contact.html. Note that, each of these files also needs an associated Markdown file in ./content/. For example, ./404.html needs ./content/404/index.md to work. The frontmatter of that file should also contain a property named layout with the value 404. This is also covered in the Frontmatter section.

All the reusable components of the site that are documented in the Available components section are stored in ./layouts/partials/. Their respective documentation also covers how to use them.

Then, there is the ./layouts/work/ folder. This folder contains all the layouts for all posts under the work section. The ./section.html file is used to render the list of subsections as well as the projects. Each individual project has its own layout as [project].html where [project] is replaced by the slug of the post. Again, as mentioned above, the content file of that post should have the layout set in its frontmatter.

Lastly, there's the ./layouts/index.html which contains the layout for the home page and the ./layouts/robots.txt that generates the robots.txt file for SEO.

Special config

The layout .layouts/work/bombae-bantai-brewery.html has a special config in the ./layouts/_default/baseof.html. An extra <p> tag has been added by checking the title of the page.


The site is configured to use some specific frontmatter variables on certain pages. The following is the list of all possible variables along with their explanation:

  list: "never"
    changefreq: "monthly"
    priority: 0.5
description: "Summary"
draft: false
layout: "slug"
    weight: 0
  - src: "assets/[path].[ext]"
    title: "Alt text"
  changefreq: "monthly"
  priority: 0.5
title: "Title"
weight: 0
  • build: This can be used by all pages, but it is currently only used on the ./content/404/index.md to exclude it from the sitemap. This is configured as per Hugo's documentation on build options.
    • list: This determines when to include the page within page collections. Refer to Hugo's documentation on build options, linked above.
  • cascade: This can be used by all list pages and all properties applied here are automatically passed down to all its children, unless overridden by the child. Ideally, only ./content/work/advertising/_index.md and ./content/work/fashion/_index.md should need this.
  • description: This can be used by all the pages. It sets the SEO description of the page. It is recommended to keep it in the range of 120 to 160 charters.
  • draft: This should only be used by the project pages. When set to true, the page would not be published in the final output.
  • layout: This can be used by all the pages. It sets the layout of the page. Its usage is explained in the Layouts section.
  • menu: This should only be used by the pages that need to appear in the <nav> of the website. Currently, this is being used by about, contact, and work.
    • navigation: This is the name of the menu. Currently, there is only one menu, so this should not be changed.
      • weight: This is used to determine the order of the pages in the menu. The lower the number, the higher the priority.
  • resources: This should only be used by the pages that need to display images, which is almost always going to be a project page. However, even the about, page is using it.
    • src: This is the path to the image relative to the content file. For example, if the image is in ./content/work/art/[project]/assets/, the path should be assets/[path].[ext].
    • title: This is the alt text for the image.
  • sitemap: This can be used by all the pages. This is configured as per Hugo's documentation on sitemap configuration.
  • subtitle: This can be used by all the project pages. It adds a small text below the title on the page in the center.
  • title: This can be used by all the pages. It sets the SEO title of the page, as well as it is appended to the default title of the site.
  • weight: This should only be used by the project pages. It determines the order of the projects in the list of projects. The lower the number, the higher the priority. However, the templates are organised in reverse. Thus, the highest weight is displayed first.


The primary styling of the website is handled using UnoCSS. Since UnoCSS doesn't have a Hugo integration, the site uses UnoCSS CLI. The configuration for UnoCSS is stored in ./uno.config.ts.

UnoCSS is configured to scan ./layouts/**/*.html and ./assets/css/styles.css files. The HTML files contain all the classes, and the styles.css file contains all the CSS rules that use UnoCSS Transform Directives. This is done, because UnoCSS CLI doesn't support extracting rules from HTML files. There's an open issue to track that. The file generated by UnoCSS is saved in ./assets/css/uno.css.

./assets/css/bundle.scss is the entrypoint for the CSS bundle. It imports all the CSS files that are required for the site to work. This includes uno.css and CSS required by Swiper, imported from ./node_modules. Any custom CSS that's not supposed to be processed by UnoCSS should also go here.


Hugo is not a JavaScript-based framework. This is good as well as bad for various reasons, but in this case, this means that one would have to write a lot of vanilla JavaScript to get things done, which would have been otherwise very easy to do with a framework. Hugo at least has great JavaScript bundling support - along with TypeScript. The TypeScript configuration stored in ./tsconfig.json is made as strict as possible and any modifications to that should be made with care.

The entire site produces a single JavaScript bundle. This is generated from ./assets/js/bundle.ts. A lot of the imports are used by the components, and are documented in the Available components section. All the custom code is written at the end. The site deliberately doesn't try to use querySelector(). Instead, it uses querySelectorAll() so that the code runs only if the element(s) exist. This helps reduce redundant checks.


This file handles the scripts block in package.json. It is a Node.js script that does various tasks every time a script is run, which would otherwise have been very difficult to do with Hugo. The script takes care of doing the following:

  • --build flag:
    • Deletes ./public/ and ./resources/ folder to build fresh data (./resources/ is only deleted if --clean flag is passed to the command).
    • Restores ./resources/ folder from Netlify's build cache.
    • Runs type-checking.
    • Backs up ./assets/css/styles.css to ./assets/css/styles.css.bak.css as UnoCSS will overwrite this file. The backup is restored after the build errors, completes, or terminates.
    • Creates UnoCSS output file in ./assets/css/uno.css. If it's not created before Hugo process is started, Hugo might fail with an error.
    • Runs UnoCSS CLI.
    • Runs Hugo.
    • Saves ./resources/ folder to Netlify's build cache.
  • --dev flag:
    • Backs up ./assets/css/styles.css to ./assets/css/styles.css.bak.css just as above.
    • Creates UnoCSS output file just as above.
    • Sets up a watcher to watch the above backup file, so any changes made in that are reflected on the site.
    • Runs UnoCSS CLI in watch mode.
    • Runs Hugo server.

It also takes care of cleaning up all of this when the process closes, or exits. In case any of these fail, it will exit with error code 1.

This file is governed by a separate TSConfig named ./scripts.tsconfig.json, which extends the standard ./tsconfig.json, but overrides some items.


The script is very brittle. This is because of all the factors it depends on. For example, sometimes UnoCSS CLI keeps running even after the script tries to terminate it. This will overwrite the ./assets/css/styles.css. Sometimes, Hugo process ends with an error and the script is not able to track it as it has already exited. So, please exercise caution when working and don't blindly rely on the script to do its thing. If you see nothing after Process successfully completed, the script most likely worked fine, so that's one clue to count on.

Available components


The gallery is a slightly complicated component, in terms of configuring props. It is capable of rendering three types of galleries: Flex, Masonry, Swiper. All of these galleries provide three ways of configuring the array of images to display:

  • images - This accepts an array of image names. This is the most flexible option, as you are free to include any image name and are in control of the order, but requires the most work to configure.
  • sequence - This accepts an array of numbers, which are used to generate the image paths. This is useful if you want to determine the order of images. However, the name of the images is fixed and must be provided. For example, if the name is image, and sequence is [3, 1, 9] the images will be image-3.ext, image-1.ext, image-9.ext.
  • first and last - This accepts two numbers, which are used to generate the image paths. first is optional if the numbers start from 1. Images will be placed from the first number to the last number. Just like sequence, the name of the images is fixed. For example, first is 3, last is 5, and name is image, the images will be image-3.ext, image-4.ext, image-5.ext.

All the images must exist in the assets folder of the Page Bundle. No image name should be passed with an extension. Extensions will be dynamically selected during building based on the description provided in the Image component's documentation.

The list of available props is different for each type of gallery, and thus, the table has been separated out accordingly:

Available props:
Name Type Required Default Description
element 'flex' | 'masonry' | 'swiper' Yes 'flex' Type of gallery to render
parent Page Yes nil The page whose assets are referred
Configuring images:
Name Type Required Default Description
first Number No, ignored if not name 1 Number suffix to start the sequence from
images Array Yes, if not name nil Paths to images
last Number Yes, if name and not sequence nil Number suffix to end the sequence on
name String Yes, if not images nil Name prefix of all images
sequence Array Yes, if name and not last nil Order of images in the sequence

This is the default gallery type if element prop is not supplied. It will render a flex-container with 2 images side-by-side. Every additional pair will create a new <div>. It is useful when having to match heights of images. This type doesn't need any additional props.


This will render a masonry gallery. It is useful when having several images and matching height is not required. This type doesn't need any additional props. It uses @appnest/masonry-layout package under-the-hood.


This will render a typical image gallery. It is useful when having several images and a gallery-type effect is required. This type can accept additional props. It uses swiper package under-the-hood. The list of available parameters is available on Swiper's API documentation.

Name Type Required Default Description
classes String No "" Classes to pass to <swiper-container>
swiper SwiperOptions No {} Swiper options as a jsonify compatible string

The default options passed are:

  "effect": "",
  "grabCursor": true,
  "preloadImages": true,
  "modules": [],
  "spaceBetween": 24,
  "speed": 500

If effect is 'cards', the following parameters are added:

  "cardsEffect": {
    "slideShadows": false

...else the following parameters are added:

  "breakpoints": {
    "640": {
      "slidesPerView": 1
    "768": {
      "slidesPerView": 2
    "1024": {
      "slidesPerView": 3

If modules contains 'autoplay', the following parameters are added:

  "autoplay": {
    "delay": 5000,
    "disableOnInteraction": false,
    "pauseOnMouseEnter": false
  "speed": 500
  1. Effects are not automatically enabled by passing their names. Their CSS still needs to be imported into ./assets/css/bundle.scss file. 2Modules need to be imported into ./assets/js/bundle.ts file and the name that's being passed should be added as a property to swiperModules object. The current list of modules is:
import {Autoplay, EffectCards, Navigation} from 'swiper/modules'
const swiperModules = {
  autoplay: Autoplay,
  cards: EffectCards,
  navigation: Navigation
Current workarounds:
  1. Swiper is adding the navigation event listeners twice. Check out this issue for more details. So, the navigation is being destroyed and initialized manually.


This a very simple component that renders a simple <h#> tag. This partial has been created to keep the heading size consistent throughout the website, without having to style it specifically using CSS. Ideally, this would be required only on the work pages.

Available props:
Name Type Required Default Description
level 3 | 4 | No 3 Level of heading to render
text String Yes nil Heading text, also gets appended as the id


Icons are manually created and added as a property to $icons object in the component. Each icon should have a single path that should fill the 48px × 48px canvas completely (longest side should be 48px). The d attribute of the path should be added as the property value. Icons automatically take the font color (currentColor) as their fill. To maintain consistency, most icons are used or modified Font Awesome's Solid variant.

Available props:
Name Type Required Default Description
name String Yes 'square-xmark' Name of the icon
size Number No 4 Size of icon in px/4
Available icons:
  • bars
  • backward-step
  • caret-down
  • caret-right
  • circle-arrow-left
  • circle-arrow-right
  • download
  • forward-step
  • linkedin
  • moon
  • square-envelope
  • square-facebook
  • square-instagram
  • square-xmark
  • sun-bright
  • tejal
  • xmark


This component is responsible for generating images used across the site. All images are lazy-loaded using the vanilla-lazyload package. The component requires either the name of the image, and it chooses the extension dynamically based on the following logic:

  1. First, .jpg is checked.
  2. If it doesn't exist, .png is checked.
  3. If it doesn't exist, .gif is checked.

...or the image resource itself, which is used as is.

If additional extensions are needed, the component would have to be edited accordingly.

The component would generate 2 images for each one:

  1. A high quality image - If image's width is longer than 1200px, it is proportionally scaled to 1200px, else it is used as is.
  2. A low quality placeholder image of 64px width, scaled proportionally. It is named as image-low.ext.

The images are generated as the same extension as source.

Available Props:
Name Type Required Default Description
container String No "" Classes to pass to <div>
flex Boolean No nil Sets image flex display
image String No "" Classes to pass to <image>
input Resource Yes, if not name nil Image resource to use
name String Yes, if not input nil Name of the image
parent Page Yes nil The page whose assets are referred


This component would be useful to show tooltips for icon buttons. This uses @floating-ui/dom package under-the-hood.

Available props:
Name Type Required Default Description
button String No "" Classes to pass to <button>
label String Yes 'Label' Text of tooltip
name String Yes 'square-xmark' Name of the icon
size Number No 4 Size of icon in px/4
  1. The name and size props are inherited from the Icon component.


The video component has a lot of specific requirements that needs manual configuration. This uses vidstack and hls.js package under-the-hood. Each video must have the following structure:

└── assets/
    └── video-[n]/
        ├── video-[n]-[144-1080]p/
        │   ├── index.m3u8
        │   └── segment-[000...n].ts
        ├── video-[n].m3u8
        ├── video-[n]-cc.vtt
        ├── video-[n]-poster.jpg
        ├── video-[n]-thumbs.jpg
        └── video-[n]-thumbs.vtt

...where the root folder is the folder of the Page Bundle. Except the qualities and -cc.vtt, all files and folders are required following the same naming convention.

Video needs to be generated for HLS-compatibility. This can be generated using ffmpeg. Use the following shell script to generate multiple qualities of a video:

ffmpeg \
-i input.mp4 \
-sc_threshold 0 \
-keyint_min 60 \
-c:v libx264 \
-c:a aac \
-r 30 \
-g 60 \
-map v:0 -s:0 1920x1080 -maxrate:0 2.4M -bufsize:0 4.8M \
-map v:0 -s:1 1280x720 -maxrate:1 2.1M -bufsize:1 4.2M \
-map v:0 -s:2 854x480 -maxrate:2 1.8M -bufsize:2 3.6M \
-map v:0 -s:3 640x360 -maxrate:3 1.5M -bufsize:3 3M \
-map v:0 -s:4 426x240 -maxrate:4 1.2M -bufsize:4 2.4M \
-map v:0 -s:5 256x144 -maxrate:5 0.9M -bufsize:5 1.8M \
-map a:0 -b:a:0 128k \
-map a:0 -b:a:1 96k \
-map a:0 -b:a:2 80k \
-map a:0 -b:a:3 64k \
-map a:0 -b:a:4 48k \
-map a:0 -b:a:5 32k \
-var_stream_map "v:0,a:0,name:1080p v:1,a:1,name:720p v:2,a:2,name:480p v:3,a:3,name:360p v:4,a:4,name:240p v:5,a:5,name:144p" \
-master_pl_name video-1.m3u8 \
-f hls \
-hls_time 2 \
-hls_playlist_type vod \
-hls_segment_filename video-1-%v/segment-%03d.ts \

Things to replace in the above script for each video:

  • input.mp4 must be replaced with the absolute path of the input video.
  • Each -s:#, -maxrate:#, -bufsize:# and -b:a:# must be replaced with a 0-based sequential index, with 0 being the highest quality.
  • -var_stream_map must be replaced with the number of qualities.
  • -master_pl_name video-1.m3u8 must be replaced with the name of the master playlist.
  • video-1-%v/index.m3u8 must be replaced with the absolute path of the output destination.
  • On Windows, \ must be replaced with ^.

Thumbnails also need to be generated for each video. This can be done using mtn. The following shell script can be used to generate thumbnails for each video:

mtn -b 0.5 -c 10 -D 0 -f "/System/Library/Fonts/Supplemental/Arial.ttf" -g 0 -h 0 -i -j 100 -r 0 -s 2 -t -w 1920 --vtt input.mp4

Things to replace in the above script for each video:

  • input.mp4 must be replaced with the absolute path of the input video.
  • On Windows, content from -f to before -g can be skipped.

The generated thumbnail file (ending with _vtt_0_s) might have to be renamed (the other one can be deleted). Once renamed, make sure to edit the generated .vtt file as well. All the references to the name of the thumbnail file must be replaced with the path to the thumbnail file relative to the .vtt file.

Available props:
Name Type Required Default Description
name String Yes nil The name of the folder of video
parent Page Yes nil The page whose assets are referred
video String No "" Classes to pass to <media-player>


The site automatically adds basic SEO tags to the <head> of each page. This is done in ./layouts/_default/baseof.html as explained in the Layouts section. The same file is also used to generate the Open Graph meta tags and Structured Data for Google Rich Snippets. The following tags meta are added that could be used for SEO:

<meta content="{{- .Description -}}" name="description"/>
<meta content="{{- $ogImage -}}" property="og:image"/>
<meta content="{{- $ogImageAlt -}}" property="og:image:alt"/>
<meta content="{{- $ogImage.Height -}}" property="og:image:height"/>
<meta content="image/jpeg" property="og:image:type"/>
<meta content="{{- $ogImage.Width -}}" property="og:image:width"/>
<meta content="{{- $title -}}" property="og:title"/>
<meta content="website" property="og:type"/>
<meta content="{{- .Permalink -}}" property="og:url"/>
  {{- $title -}}

All the variables are dynamically populated during the site's build stage using conditional logic.

  • $ogImage: By default, the ./assets/images/og.jpg is used as the Open Graph image for all pages. This is overridden only on project pages that have their own cover images. The generated images are automatically cropped to 1200 × 630 pixels, if either the height or width (since the height and the width is the same) is larger than 1200 pixels. If it's smaller, the largest possible image matching the aspect ratio of 1200 × 630 pixels is generated.
  • $ogImageAlt: The default alternate text is "Open Graph cover for Tejal Shinde's portfolio". Similar to $ogImage this is overridden only on project pages. The text used by them is "Open Graph cover for .Title - a project by Tejal Shinde".
  • $title: The default title is "Tejal Shinde". That is used only by the home page. All other pages use the title set in the frontmatter of the page along with " | Tejal Shinde" as the suffix.

The Structure Data is built using the following logic:

  • For the home page and also the base template for all pages:
  "@context": "https://schema.org",
  "@graph": [{
    "@type": "WebSite",
    "name": "Tejal Shinde",
    "url": "https://tejalshinde.com/"
  • For all the individual and work page, the following is appended into the above @graph:
  "@type": "BreadcrumbList",
  "itemListElement": [{
    "@type": "ListItem",
    "item": "https://www.tejalshinde.com/",
    "name": "Tejal Shinde",
    "position": 1
  }, {
    "@type": "ListItem",
    "item": "{{- .Permalink -}}",
    "name": "{{- $title -}}",
    "position": 2
  • For project list pages, the following is appended into the above itemListElement:
  "@type": "ListItem",
  "item": "{{- .Permalink -}}",
  "name": "{{- $title -}}",
  "position": 3
  • For project pages, the following is appended into the above itemListElement:
  "@type": "ListItem",
  "item": "{{- .Permalink -}}",
  "name": "{{- .Title -}}",
  "position": 4

...and the following is appended to the above @graph:

  "@type": "BlogPosting",
  "author": {
    "@type": "Person",
    "name": "Tejal Shinde",
    "url": "https://www.tejalshinde.com/"
  "description": "{{- .Description -}}",
  "headline": "{{- $title -}}",
  "image": "{{- (.Resources.GetMatch \"assets/cover.jpg\").Permalink -}}",
  "mainEntityOfPage": {
    "@id": "{{- .Permalink -}}",
    "@type": "WebPage"
  "url": "https://www.tejalshinde.com/"

Along with this, a sitemap.xml is also generated during the build time with values as per the frontmatter. Lastly, the ./layouts/robots.txt file is used to block the 404 page from being indexed.