
Weekly Status Report 1

Meeting Minutes

Customer Meeting 1

Job Portal Setup

Okay, so this is a basic guide as to how to run everything and some additional notes.


I have listed down the libraries you need to have installed on your system before you can start.

  1. npm
  2. mongodb
  3. vuejs

How to run

  1. git clone
  2. cd P565_team8/job-portal
  3. Make sure your mongodb service is running in the background

Then open 2 terminals/Git-bashes or whatever you guys use,

For Server (on one terminal)
  1. npm install
  2. npm start
For Server (on the other terminal)
  1. cd P565_team8/job-portal
  2. nodemon ./bin/www
  3. Navigate to http://localhost:8080 and you should see the login page

So with these, you will have basic it running. If you have any questions or if anything isn't working please let me know.

Git Workflow

So since there are 4 people working on this, we kinda need to work in an organized way. So i've listed a sample git workflow that we could follow in order to get started.

  1. No one should push to master. The master branch will only be updated at the end of a spring once testing is done.

  2. No one should directly push to develop. This is the branch that should have the new/fixed features, before it can be merged to master.

  3. All your working branches should be branched from develop. Everytime you work on a new feature or a fix, you will have to branch out from develop because that will contain the most recent update.

  4. Create a PULL REQUEST after you push. This way all of us can review the code you have written, and then finalize it to merge it with develop. Please write appropriate pull request descriptions (2-3 sentences) so as to give an idea of what you're requesting for.

Appropriate Naming

Here are some important notes that can possibly make our lives easier.

So there 3 activities that developers usually do when they're developing,

  1. feat - new feature
  2. fix - bug fixing
  3. chore - enhancements to a feature

With these in mind, we should follow some naming conventions which will definitely be helpful.

  1. Give appropriate names to your branches. For example, if you're implementing the login feature, your branches should be named,

    1. Front End: fr-feat/login
    2. Back End: br-feat/login
  2. Use good commit messages. Below I have stated as to how you can modularize your commits. This can later help during debugging. If you're developing the login feature on the front-end,

    1. Bad Example: git commit -m 'login feature added'
    2. Good Example:
      1. git commit. This should open your terminal editor in which you can type your message.
      2. chore: login route for users added
      3. If it's a huge commit, then press enter and write a message.
      4. Exit the editor