IST 659: Database Administration Concepts & Database Management

This contains the lab assigments of IST 659 Database Administration Concepts Database Management at Syracuse University under the tutelage of Prof. Mike Fudge and Prof. Jillian Lando

Key Learnings

  1. Describe fundamental data and database concepts including various storage models.
  2. Explain and use the database development lifecycle and data models.
  3. Analyze business problems and design and implement appropriate data-oriented solutions using the relational data storage model.
  4. Solve problems by constructing database objects and queries using the SQL language.
  5. Identify performance and data integrity improvements of existing database designs and implementations.
  6. Evaluate and select approaches for data migrations, temporal data, and data normalization.
  7. Critique the effectiveness of DBMS in computer information systems.

Technologies and Concepts

Technologies: Docker, Azure Data Studio


This is an introductory course in database management systems. It examines data structures, file organizations, concepts, and principles of database management systems (DBMS); as well as, data analysis, database design, data modeling, database management and database implementation. More specifically, it introduces hierarchical, network and relational data models; entity-relationship modeling; basics of Structured Query Language (SQL); data normalization; and database design. This course provides hands-on experience in database design and implementation through assignments, lab exercises and course projects. This course also introduces advanced database concepts such as transaction management and concurrency control, distributed databases, multi-tier client/server architectures, database applications, improving query performance through indexing, and advanced data query patterns for extract-transform-load.