
Roc Enhancement Proposals

Universal Permissive License v1.0UPL-1.0

Roc Enhancement Proposal (REP)

The goal of REPs is to standardize and provide high-quality documentation for the Roc programming language. This repository tracks past and ongoing proposals in the form of REPs. REP-1 governs how REPs are published.

The status page (TBD) tracks and lists REPs, which can be divided into the following categories:

  • Standard Track REPs describe with changes that affect the Roc compiler, standard library, API design and platforms.
  • Meta REPs describe new processes or updates to existing processes, associated with the Roc ecosystem and community.
  • Informational REPs describe Roc design issues or provide general guidelines or information to the Roc community.

⚠️ Before you write a REP, ideas must be thoroughly discussed on Roc's ZulipChat server. Once consensus is reached, thoroughly read and review REP-1, which describes the REP process.

Preferred Citation Format

The canonical URL for an REP that has achieved draft status at any point is TBD. For example, the canonical URL for REP-1 is REPs/rep-1.md.