
A lightweight React component library built with Tailwind CSS for styling. This library contains a collection of reusable components, making it easy to integrate into your projects.


  • Built using JSX
  • Styled with Tailwind CSS
  • Simple and reusable component structure
  • Customizable with Tailwind CSS classes


First, install the library via npm:

npm install dry-components


To use any component from the library, import it into your project like so:

import { Input } from 'dry-components';
import { TextArea } from 'dry-components';
import { SelectInput } from 'dry-components';
import { PrimaryButton } from 'dry-components';

Input Component Props

Prop Name Type Required Description
value string Yes The current value of the input field.
name string Yes The name of the input field. Typically used for form handling.
type string Yes The type of the input (e.g., text, password, email, etc.).
handleChange function Yes The function to handle the change event for the input field.
width string No Optional width of the input container, default is w-full. Accepts Tailwind CSS width classes.
label string No Placeholder text for the input field. If not provided, the placeholder will be empty.

TextArea Component Props

Prop Name Type Required Description
value string Yes The current value of the text area.
name string Yes The name of the text area. Typically used for form handling.
type string No The type of the text area (not commonly used for textarea, but included for consistency).
handleChange function Yes The function to handle the change event for the text area.
width string No Optional width of the text area container, default is w-full. Accepts Tailwind CSS width classes.
label string No Placeholder text for the text area. If not provided, the placeholder will be empty.
rows number No Number of visible text lines. Defaults to 5.

SelectInput Component Props

Prop Name Type Required Description
value string Yes The current value of the selected option.
name string Yes The name of the select input. Typically used for form handling.
options Array<{ value: string, label: string }> Yes Array of option objects where each object has a value and a label property.
handleChange function Yes The function to handle the change event for the select input.
width string No Optional width of the select input container, default is w-full. Accepts Tailwind CSS width classes.
label string No Placeholder text for the select input. This will be shown as a disabled option when no option is selected.

PrimaryButton Component Props

Prop Name Type Required Description
label string Yes The text to display inside the button.
onClick function Yes The function to call when the button is clicked.
width string No Optional width of the button container, default is w-fit. Accepts Tailwind CSS width classes.
variant string No The button style variant. Options include outlined and default (filled).