
Movie library web application where there is user authentication, register, and sign in, search for movies using the Omdb API, see movie details, and add to specific playlists.

Clone the repository

navigate to specific folder

and run command

"npm install"

then after completion run below commmand

"npm start"

This will start the application on http://localhost:3000.

User Authentication, Registration, and Sign-in The application includes user authentication, registration, and sign-in features. Users can register, sign in, and manage their accounts.

Movie Search Using OMDb API The application uses the OMDb API to search for movies. Users can search for movies by title, genre, or other criteria. The API provides a vast database of movies, allowing users to retrieve movie details, ratings, reviews, and more.

Viewing Movie Details Once a movie is selected, users can view its details, including title, poster image, plot summary, cast, and ratings.

Adding Movies to Playlists Users can add movies to specific playlists, allowing them to organize and manage their favorite movies.

Removing Movies to Playlists