
some datastructure code

Primary LanguageC++


Some datastructure code, only contain *.h and *.cpp

  • linear list
    • sequential list
    • linked list
  • stack
    • sequential stack
    • linked stack
  • queue
    • sequential queue
    • linked queue
  • string
    • string matching: BF, KMP
  • array
    • sparse matrix
  • generalized list
  • tree
    • binary tree
  • graph
    • deep first search
    • breadth first search
    • minimum spanning tree: Prim, Kruskal
    • shortest path: Dijkstra, Floyd
  • search
    • sequence search
    • binary search
    • binary sort tree
  • sorting
    • bubble sort (improvement)
    • select sort
    • insert sort
    • shell sort
    • quick sort
    • heap sort
    • merge sort

(see more in Main.h)

Development environment & Compiling:

  • Windows: Visual Studio 2010
  • Mac OS X: CLion (clang)

makefile: this folder is used to study CMakeLists.txt and makefile