
Zabbix templates

GNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

Template_Cisco_ASA_1.1.xml support only SNMPv2 and there is no sysName \

Template_Cisco_ASA_1.1.3.xml support SNMPv3
SNMPv3 support added, new macros:
{$SECURITY_NAME} = Username
{$AUTH_PASSPHRASE} = Authentication password
{$PRIV_PASSPHRASE} = Encryption password\

Use authentication algorithm SHA and encryption algorithm AES (128).

Added OID: ASA System name (ciscoASAsysName)


Template Net HP Enterprise Switch SNMPv3.xml Template Module Interfaces SNMPv3.xml Template Module Generic SNMPv3.xml Template Module EtherLike-MIB SNMPv3.xml
SNMPv3 support added, new macros: {$SECURITY_NAME} = Username {$AUTH_PASSPHRASE} = Authentication password {$PRIV_PASSPHRASE} = Encryption password

Templates are just like V2 templates, but changed to support SNMPv3.
