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ServiceProvider / DBC Open Platform

David David Build Status Code Climate

The ServiceProvider or DBC Open Platform is the API for the danish public libraries.

The ServiceProvider provides access to DBCs services. The purpose is to make a unified, easy-to-use way to access the different bibliographic APIs. The serviceprovider works as a gateway to other services, and does not include the actual search/database/etc. logic.

Issue-tracking, and development, happens fully open on github. The project is licensed under GNU AGPL.

Getting started

The API is available on https://openplatform.dbc.dk/. This also include API-documentation, and a guide to getting started using the API.

IMPORTANT the serviceprovider only works on DBCs internal network as it serves as the gateway to the services.

You can still run the service provider, with tests and mockdata, but it will not be fully functional without the underlying services.

Installing / Running

First install dependencies

# Get / install the expected version of node
source nvm.sh
nvm install

# Optionally clean dependencies
#rm -rf node_modules

# Install dependencies
npm install

And then you can start the server with mock-data with ./start-service-provider.sh, - or start a development version with:

# Optionally start a local minimal authorisation server
# - which just sends the specified context, and ignores token
PORT=3000 node src/smaug/minismaug.js -f context.json

# Start autorestarting developement server.
# The SMAUG environment is the authentication server,
# if you do not run it locally, use another url.
# (examples could be `http://platform-i01:3000` or 
# `http://smaug.m.dbc.antistof.dk:3000` if you have
# access to these)

SMAUG=http://localhost:3000 npm run dev

By default the ServiceProvider will run on port 8080 on localhost.

If you then open a browser to localhost:8080, you will see the API-documentation, - and you can now also send requests to the API, for example:

curl -H "Authorization: Bearer qwerty" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"q": "ost", "fields": ["title","pid"]}' http://localhost:8080/v1/search

curl 'http://localhost:8080/v1/search?q=ost&fields=title,pid'

Code Structure

Overview of files and directories:

  • doc/ - documentation, guide, and schema/specification of the API and bibliographic data model.
  • src/ - the source code
    • app.js - the main code entrypoint
    • transformers/ - the code that transforms requests/data to/from the different services, and exposes them in the api.
    • smaug/ - simple authentification server used during test and development
  • apitest/, ave-test/, performancetest/, add_imports_to_tests.py, mocktest.sh, siegetestendpoints.txt - various testing
  • static/ contains a swagger-ui, symlinks to guide, client-api, etc. This is served staticly. We are using a recent snapshot of github:swagger-api:swagger-ui:dist/ as the stable swagger-ui release (as of May 2016) has a bug, with regard to boolean thet breaks the documentation.
  • client/ - implementation and build script for the browser JavaScript client library.


Configuration is passed through environment variables, and retrieved from the authorisation server.

Environment Variables

The following environment variables can be used to override default settings in the application.


  • APP_NAME This variable is used to configure the name with which the application should appear in log.

    The default value is app_name

  • PORT Defines which port number the application should use. If PORT is undefined the application will be accessible at port 8080 (i.e. localhost:8080)

    The default value is 8080

  • NODE_WEB_WORKERS Defines how many workers to use.

    The default value is 1

  • NODE_WEB_BROKERS Defines how many brokers to use.

    The default value is 1

  • AUTO_REBOOT Defines if a worker reboots on crash. (This does not apply to the whole application, just the workers).

    The default value is true

  • SMAUG Url of the authorisation server we use.

  • TEST_DEV Boolean flag whether to support createTest parameter. If TEST_DEV is set, and a query is send with the extra parameter createTest set to a name, then this will be used to create a unit test. If the name is "random", and random name will be choosen, if the name is "mockfile", then the mock data will be written instead.

  • MOCK_FILE Filename for mock file to use instead of backend services. If a mock file is specified, then the behaviour of the createTest parameter is to write a the latest mock-data to the mock file to be used for testing, instead of creating a new unit test.

  • SWAGGER_HTTP Include http as allowed scheme in swagger, this is useful when developing locally.


Authorisation is done using OAuth 2.

The authorisation server is called Smaug, and lives in another repository: https://github.com/dbcdk/smaug/. This also documents the API for gettin g a token.

The first version only support logins via "Resource Owner Password Credentials".

The ServiceProvider depends on a authorisation server, to serve the configuration. A sample context without passwords is included in the repository: context-sample.json, and that one can also be used for building / running tests when outside of DBCs network.

You can run a local authorisation server, minismaug as described in the getting started guide above.


The ServiceProvider, is based on MobilSøg, with client code removed, and unified APIs / redesigned APIs.

API Structure

Requests to the API consist of the endpoint name, and a JSON object of parameters.

Parameters are general across endpoints:

  • access_token is the access token when needed
  • fields which keys should be in the returned object(s).
  • pretty determines whether the JSON should be prettyprinted when serialising.
  • timings enable some timing statistics in envelope
  • callback is the callback name when doing a jsonp request on the HTTP-transport
  • offset for paginated results, such as search result.
  • limit for paginated results, - number of results per page.

Responses are returned within an envelope, as a JSON object with the following properties:

  • statusCode contains the status of the request, ie 200 if it went ok.
  • data contains the actual response, if applicable
  • error contains an error, if applicable

To make sure it arrives to all kinds of clients(including jsonp), the HTTP-request itself usually suceeds(200), and the status of the api request is contained within the envelope.

The API is documented using OpenAPI 2.0 Specification (swagger), and the generated documentation can be seen on https://openplatform.dbc.dk/. The swagger specification is generated from a simpler doc/spec.yaml in the github repository.

The generated documentation is exposed at /v1/. The HTTP-API is exposed as /v1/$ENDPOINT-NAME.

The production API runs ssl-only (HTTPS/WSS).

English is the main language for naming of methods, as well as API-documentation. We will try to minimise the amount of library jargon, in order to make the API more accessible for developers without domain knowledge.


There are several transports:

  • HTTP POST requests - the parameters are posted as a JSON object (Content-Type: application/json) to an url, given by the endpoint name.
  • HTTP GET requests - similar to HTTP-POST requests with same url, but the parameters are given as url-parameters. This is a quick way to try out / experiment with the API. Parameters are parsed as JSON(if possible) and otherwise used as strings. Url-parameters can also be used in POST-requests to override values.
  • WebSockets - enable us to overcome the limited number of parallel HTTP-requests per domain in web browsers. There is a simple browser JavaScript client api client/, and the guide describes how it is used.

Bibliographic Data Model

Bibliographic objects are returned from both the /work and /search endpoints. They are identified by a id, - an example would be "775100-katalog:29372365".

The bibliographic object is represented as a JSON-object with fields from:

  • BriefDisplay from opensearch
  • DKABM - defined on biblstandard.dk
  • Relations - http://danbib.dk/index.php?doc=broend3_relationer
  • collection list of ids in same "værk" within opensearch search
  • collectionDetails - list BriefDisplay of collection elements
  • moreInfo - covers as url and dataurl, - as coverUrlXXX or coverDataUrlXXX where XXX is one of 42, 117, 207, 500, Back, Thumbnail or Full, ie. coverUrl42.

The mapping between keys in the JSON object, and the above sources can be seen in https://github.com/DBCDK/serviceprovider/blob/master/doc/work-context.jsonld

Each key present in the json-object, contains a non-empty array of values. Example: if the bibliographic xml-object contains:

<dc:subject xsi:type="dkdcplus:DBCN">for 7 år</dc:subject>
<dc:subject xsi:type="dkdcplus:DBCN">for 8 år</dc:subject>

it would map to json like:

{ "subjectDBCN": ["for 7 år", "for 8 år"],
  "audience": ["børnematerialer"],
  "dcTitle": ["Danmark"]}

This encoding is designed both easy to work directly with in client code. It will also be properly encoded linked data, if we add 1) an @context with the url of work-context.jsonld and 2) an @id with the id of the object.

Note: a source for creator types of dkdcplus is danmarc, i.e. http://www.kat-format.dk/danMARC2/Danmarc2.bilagJ.htm


We use different kinds of tests:

  • Unit tests are placed with the modules and components in a __tests__ folder. Use npm run test to run the tests. travis
  • Style checking with eslint. travis
  • Validation of generated swagger specification. travis
  • Blackbox API-test with mocked data.
  • Semi-manual browser testing of the JavaScript browser client API (run guide.js, chekc that console-output is as expected), - tested in IE11, Edge, Mobile Safari (iOS browser), Firefox, Firefox Mobile, Chromium, Mobile Chrome, and Android 4.4 browsers.
  • Manual testing, ave-test/example.sh contains example of how to run request.
  • Performancetest

The tests marked with travis, are executed automatically on travis.


API-test sends a series of requests through HTTP and WebSockets, and checks that the results are as expected. The queries are listed in apitest/requests.lst.

You can run it with mock data using ./mocktest.sh. This starts the ServiceProvider and MiniSmaug in the background, which needs to be killed manually afterwards (quick hack, but it leaving them running also makes it easier to run the code for regenerating the mock data).

To update the mock data, first remove the original mockdata file, and start the ServiceProvider with MOCK_FILE set:

rm apitest/mockdata.json
SMAUG=http://localhost:3000 MOCK_FILE=apitest/mockdata.json SWAGGER_HTTP=true TEST_DEV=true node src/main.js

To generate the mock data, first run the apitest to record the data, and then call somen endpoint with createTest=mockfile to write the mock data to disk, ie:

cd apitest
curl 'http://localhost:8080/v1/user?access_token=qwerty&createTest=mockfile'

To update the expected result, make sure that the ServiceProvider is running, and then:

cd apitest

(Remember to check that new expected result is as expected, before committing. git diff will list the changes).

There are also various utility scripts for using the apitest during development in the apitest/ folder.

Automatic Unit Test Creation

We have automated the creation of certain unit tests. If you are running in dev-mode, and send a request with an createTest=filename parameter, it will automatically create a unitTest for the given requests.

Remember to check that the result of the request is as expected, as that will be included in the unit test as mock data.

The created unit test, has removed passwords etc. from the mocked data, which may lead to bugs in the test.

The details about the automatic test creation can be seen in saveTest(..) within src/provider/caller.js.

We also list the automatically created unit-tests in apitest/createTest.requests.lst, with those requiring manual intevention commented out. This can be used to regenerate many of the unit tests, when major changes to the code occur.