
simple SMTP Server. Using PowerShell.

Primary LanguagePowerShell




InstantSMTP is an embedded SMTP server for unit testing. demo

Installation method

> git clone Instant SMTP

How to use

Please allow the execution of PowerShell script beforehand.

import-module. \ Instant SMTP.psm1

Sample code

function get-TestMessage(){
$us = New-Object system.globalization.cultureinfo("en-US")
[String] $utcTime = (Get-Date).ToString("d MMM yyyy HH:mm:ss",$us)
[String] $utcOffset =  (Get-Date).ToString("zzz").Replace(":","")
MIME-Version: 1.0
From: foo@example.com
To: hoge@example.com
Date: ${utcTime} ${utcOffset}
Subject: test Message
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable

hello InstanSMTP.


Describe "get-mailmessage" {
    It "Return TestMessage" {
        $result = Start-Job -ScriptBlock{import-module .\InstantSMTP.psm1;get-mailmessage;}
        Send-MailMessage -To "hoge@example.com" -From "foo@example.com" -SmtpServer "" -Subject "test Message" -Body "hello InstanSMTP." -Encoding UTF8   
        $expect = get-TestMessage
        while ($result.State -eq "Running"){
            Start-Sleep -Milliseconds 1
        $actual = Receive-Job $result.Id
        (Compare-Object $actual $expect).count | Should -be 0