
Prototype Data Entry Webapp

Primary LanguagePython


Instructions for installing, compiling and deploying this Prototype Data Entry Web App


Operating Systems

  • Mac OS X
  • Linux
  • easy to port to other systems


  • HTML5 complaint
  • tested on Google Chrome


Required Libraries

Download and install these libraries before proceeding

Web Application Initial Build

   # check out project from github into a new 'proforma' directory (project root)
   $ git clone https://github.com/hrovira/proforma.git

These commands should be executed from within project root

   # installs brunch build system for developers
   $ [sudo] npm install -g brunch
   # creates node_modules directory containing downloaded dependencies (don't check-in)
   $ npm install
   # creates _public directory (don't check-in)
   # web app is compiled into single-page static HTML website with minified JavaScript
   # serve as static content from your web server, or use tornado as static content handler 
   $ brunch build -c brunch.coffee 



   # start MongoDB storage and lookup databases
   $ mongod --dbpath /local/path/to/mongoDB/ --port 3032


These commands should be executed from within project root

   # start tornado to provide web services and authentication
   # tornado.config (see below) specifies properties used by Python web services
   $ python websvcs/tornadoapp.py --config_file=/local/path/to/tornado.config

   # contents of tornado.config

Upon successful launch, the web application will be accessible at http://localhost:8000

Development Mode Auto-update

These commands should be executed from within project root

   # this process monitors changes in your web application and auto-compiles into _public
   $ brunch w -c brunch.coffee