
🐜 An ecosystem of Vim/Neovim which allows developers to write cross-platform plugins in Deno

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT

An ecosystem of Vim/Neovim which allows developers to write plugins in Deno.

Deno 1.11.0 or above Vim 8.1.2424 or above Neovim 0.4.4 or above

MIT License Doc deno doc deno land

deno vim neovim reviewdog

Denops is under active development. Any kind of breaking changes may be applied without any announcements.

Quick start

Install the latest Deno with:

macOS or Linux
curl -fsSL https://deno.land/x/install/install.sh | sh
iwr https://deno.land/x/install/install.ps1 -useb | iex

See Deno Manual.

Note that deno need to be executable from Vim/Neovim. You can confirm it by execute the following command in Vim/Neovim.

:echo executable('deno')

Once you got deno to work, install denops.vim via vim-plug like:

Plug 'vim-denops/denops.vim'
Plug 'vim-denops/denops-helloworld.vim'

Then you can confirm if denops is working by executing HelloDenops command like:

Your name: John
Hello Denops. Your name is John. This is nvim

Once you've confirmed that denops is working, you can remove vim-denops/denops-helloworld.vim.


See denops.vim Wiki.


Denops is mainly developped by members of vim-jp.

Inspired by

This ecosystem is strongly inspired by coc.nvim which allows developers to write Vim/Neovim plugin in Node.js.


The code follows MIT license written in LICENSE. Contributors need to agree that any modifications sent in this repository follow the license.