
Function documetation seperator line doesn't fit within the popup

flosker opened this issue · 1 comments


Everything is OK in checkhealth.

Describe the bug

See screenshots. The line separating (method) Document.query... in function documentation isn't fitting within popup.
It seems to only happen when documentation.max_width is smaller & some text needs to be wrapped.

The separator's width is the width of the longest line in the docs. It should instead be equal to max_width of a popup.

To Reproduce

See screenshots & try to type those functions in a javascript file.
Minimal config

Actual behavior

Separator wraps & doesn't fit within popup window.

Expected behavior

Separator shouldn't wrap & fit within popup window. LSPSaga doesn't have this issue.

Screenshots (optional)

Image 1
Image 2

Additional context (optional)

nvim- 0.5v.

it should be fixed now.