Pinned issues
- 11
Announcement: nvim-compe is now deprecated.
#517 opened by hrsh7th - 5
Documentation syntax highlighting.
#532 opened by DasOhmoff - 4
- 1
No fuzzy completion for [emoji]
#547 opened by dermorz - 2
- 2
Triggered in command mode.
#544 opened by singlexyz - 2
Integrate copilot.vim?
#546 opened by y9c - 2
Custom labels for completion types
#534 opened by luiz00martins - 3
- 1
Documentation doesn't pop in completion in some cases
#536 opened by sigzegv - 3
clangd not hiding suggestions after comma or space
#529 opened by McArdellje - 2
[Question] Don't append ? for optional arguments
#527 opened by weizheheng - 1
- 1
Question/Help: LSP Snippet Support Not Working
#530 opened by thecontinium - 1
- 3
problem with vim-rsi pluggin -- <C-e>
#539 opened by abzrg - 1
Tab at the end of line is not working for default config
#522 opened by glyh - 2
If you enable the LSP snippet support without actually having a snippet plugin installed, compe will duplicate every completion entry in the menu.
#521 opened by charbelnicolas - 7
Add option to disable LSP snippets
#499 opened by Hubro - 3
Method wrongly detected as snippet
#512 opened by tarunzoot - 3
Respect iskeyword
#495 opened by FOSSilizedDaemon - 4
Bindings Using compe#scroll Do Not Work
#494 opened by FOSSilizedDaemon - 4
- 3
- 1
- 3
Words/Characters getting deleted
#502 opened by hood - 3
Disable Auto Import? (Clangd)
#508 opened by arowe92 - 6
nvim-compe feels slower than coc.nvim
#501 opened by hanspinckaers - 6
- 1
max_items / min_length per source
#500 opened by entropitor - 2
Selecting snippets with '\' at the beginning of the trigger word causes another extra '\' to be added.
#491 opened by moshiur-raj - 1
Show auto-import filenames
#498 opened by stellarhoof - 1
- 1
Documentation markdown not rendered for ElixirLS
#514 opened by andrzej-mag - 4
- 9
Tab selection no longer working
#505 opened by joshzcold - 1
Auto-import doesn’t work with a bunch of LSPs
#540 opened by hadronized - 3
FR/Question: Complete on any key
#535 opened by Liquidmantis - 2
attempt to call field 'stylize_markdown'
#533 opened by choucavalier - 1
relative path completion fail if not stating with './'
#525 opened by tkkcc - 1
Can not get LSP Snippet working
#524 opened by SleeplessCat182 - 1
- 3
- 1
Plugin not showing completions at all
#518 opened by flosker - 5
Ultisnips - When documentation is true and shown, you cannot jump to the next snippet placeholder
#510 opened by baldore - 2
$ in completion list does not work
#506 opened by tarunzoot - 1
- 2
close function completion on open parenthesis
#490 opened by gjeusel - 1
[feature] hope compe#confirm() can select the first selection, like vscode, when we set `menuone, noselect`.
#496 opened by MaiLunJiye - 5
Auto-import doesn't work on Windows 10
#493 opened by johans