
problem with vim-rsi pluggin -- <C-e>

abzrg opened this issue · 3 comments

abzrg commented

This problem arises when I have the vim-rsi plugin installed (through packer as a start package).
The problem is with the <C-e>. There are two cases:

  1. If I am selecting a completion candidate, <C-e> deselects it, but the pop-up menu is still there.
  2. If I am not selecting a completion menu, the pop-up menu doesn't go away with <C-e>.

I believe this line creates this issue

inoremap <expr> <C-E> col('.')>strlen(getline('.'))<bar><bar>pumvisible()?"\<Lt>C-E>":"\<Lt>End>"

One solution is to comment this line. However, is there a way to change it so that it works with compe?

stale commented

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I don't use compe anymore…