
DataHack | CUSTOMER_SEGMENTATION | JanataHack , Rank_25

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook


Customer segmentation is the practice of dividing a customer base into groups of individuals that are similar in specific ways relevant to marketing, such as age, gender, interests and spending habits. An automobile company has plans to enter new markets with their existing products (P1, P2, P3, P4 and P5). After intensive market research, they’ve deduced that the behavior of new market is similar to their existing market.


In their existing market, the sales team has classified all customers into 4 segments (A, B, C, D ). Then, they performed segmented outreach and communication for different segment of customers. This strategy has work exceptionally well for them. They plan to use the same strategy on new markets and have identified 2627 new potential customers. You are required to help the manager to predict the right group of the new customers.


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Link: https://datahack.analyticsvidhya.com/contest/janatahack-customer-segmentation/#ProblemStatement

Evaluation Criteria

The evaluation metric for this hackathon is Accuracy Score.


No. of Registered: 15590

Public Leaderboard rank: 11

Private Leaderboard rank: 25

Link: https://datahack.analyticsvidhya.com/contest/janatahack-customer-segmentation/#LeaderBoard