
DataHack | ML in AGRICULTURE | JanataHack , Rank_105

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook


Though, many of us don't appreciate much, but a farmer's job is real test of endurance and determination. Once the seeds are sown, he works days and nights to make sure that he cultivates a good harvest at the end of season. A good harvest is ensured by several factors such as availability of water, soil fertility, protecting crops from rodents, timely use of pesticides & other useful chemicals and nature. While a lot of these factors are difficult to control for, the amount and frequency of pesticides is something the farmer can control.

Pesticides are also special, because while they protect the crop with the right dosage. But, if you add more than required, they may spoil the entire harvest. A high level of pesticide can deem the crop dead / unsuitable for consumption among many outcomes. This data is based on crops harvested by various farmers at the end of harvest season. To simplify the problem, you can assume that all other factors like variations in farming techniques have been controlled for.


You need to determine the outcome of the harvest season, i.e. whether the crop would be healthy (alive), damaged by pesticides or damaged by other reasons.


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Evaluation Criteria

The evaluation metric for this hackathon is Accuracy Score.


No. of Registered: 14988

Public Leaderboard rank: 77

Private Leaderboard rank: 105
