All code should be compatible with Python >=3.9.
Use either virtual environment:
make initialize-venv
Or docker (if you do not have compatible python version):
docker run -it --rm -p "5000:5000" -v "$(pwd):/tmp" python:3.10-slim-buster /bin/sh
apt-get update && apt-get install make && cd tmp
Install requirements:
make install-requirements
Run all tests via:
make run-tests
Run specific test file via:
python3 -m pytest tests/<directory_name>
Run analyzer function that does not account for gaps between months. (Note that gaps can still be present but this function just returns a minimum and maximum)
from path_analyzer.analyzer import report_min_max_no_gaps
"s3://my-bucket", # bucket
"xxx/yyy/zzz/def", # full path
"/Users/jiri/PycharmProjects/model_serving_assignment/data/min_max_no_gaps.json", # output file
Set environmental variable for directory where data gets saved. For example:
export DATA_DIRECTORY="data/"
make run-api
The API is exposed at http://localhost:5000
All POST requests must be in JSON format.
Status code: 200
Returns application name and version.
Status code: 200
Returns metrics that can be scraped by Prometheus.
Status code: 200
Returns metrics that can be scraped by Prometheus.
Status code: 200
Returns "OK" if the application is running.
"text": "string",
"languageCode": "string"
"text": "This task is awesome. Nope, just kidding.",
"languageCode": "en"
Status code: 200
"sentiment": {
"schema": {
"type": "string",
"enum": [
"sentiments": "positive"
Invalid request format:
Status code: 400
If request is not a valid JSON, status code 400 is returned.
Invalid request content:
Status code: 400
If required fields are not present or cannot be coerced to string, returns error description with status code 400.
"errors": [
"loc": [
"msg": "field required",
"type": "value_error.missing"
"text": "string",
"languageCode": "string",
"isGoodTranslation": "boolean",
"sentiment": {
"schema": {
"type": "string",
"enum": [
"text": "Hello",
"languageCode": "EN",
"isGoodTranslation": true,
"sentiment": "positive"
Status code: 201
Invalid request format:
Status code: 400
If request is not a valid JSON, status code 400 is returned.
Invalid request content:
Status code: 400
If required fields are not present or cannot be coerced to correct data types, returns error description with status code 400.
"errors": [
"loc": [
"msg": "field required",
"type": "value_error.missing"
Duplicate item:
Status code: 409
Item with the same content is already saved.
"errors": [
"item already exists"