
Simulation code for the Cost and Risk-Reducing Quadrotor System (CRQS)

Primary LanguageMATLAB

The Cost and Risk-reducing Quadcopter System

Simulation environment for the quadcopter testbed named CRQS.


  • compile.m: Runs all other necessary scripts for the initial conditions selected within this script.
  • constants.m: Defines all vehicle parameters.
  • memory_prealloc.m: Defines variables that are used within the numerical integration to reduce computational expense.
  • sim_loop.m: Script run from compile.m that numerically integrates the continuous-time system with discrete-time inputs.
  • postprocessing.m: Takes output data from simulation and prepares it for plotscript.m.
  • plotscript.m: Plots the positions, velocities, attitudes, angular velocities, tip deflection, energy check, DCM check, control effort, and estimation error.


  • files_for_animation: Contains scripts to create a video file of the CRQS moving in 3D space.
  • files_for_control: Contains scripts to synthesize different control and estimation algorithms.
  • files_for_dynamics: Contains scripts for computing inverted pendulum parameters and the ODEs file that is numerically integrated in compile.m/sim_loop.m.
  • files_for_support: Contains functions and scripts that support the primary MATLAB files.
  • files_for_trajectory: Contains files to compute a desired guidance trajecotry.
  • results: Contains folders of various run cases. Each of these subfolders contains the data from the tests indicated by the folder name. Allows one to simply run the post-processing and plot scripts to replicate figures instead of running the simulation again.
