Doctor’s Appointment Application


This project is to help both doctors and patients have an easy experience in making or reserving appointments.

Technologies Used

  • Spring Boot

  • Spring MVC

  • Spring Data JPA

  • Hibernate

  • H2 Database

  • Swagger Doc

Getting Started

  1. Clone the repository: git clone
  2. Build the project using your favorite IDE or build tools.
  3. Run the application.
  4. Access the application through localhost:8080.


  1. Doctor Adds Open Times
  2. Doctor Can View 30-Minute Appointments
  3. Doctor Can Delete Open Appointments
  4. Patients Can View Doctor's Open Appointments
  5. Patients Can Take an Open Appointment
  6. Patients Can View Their Own Appointments

Technical Improvements

To improve the project technically and enhance its performance, consider the following suggestions:

  • 1. Implement Spring Security:

    • Secure the application by implementing Spring Security to control access to different endpoints.
    • Authenticate and authorize doctors and patients based on their roles.
  • 2. Optimize Database Queries:

    • Review and optimize database queries to improve overall performance.
    • Use appropriate indexing and caching strategies.
  • 3. Implement Caching:

    • Integrate caching mechanisms, such as Spring Cache, to cache frequently accessed data and reduce response times.
  • 4. Implement Asynchronous Processing:

    • Consider using asynchronous processing for tasks that don't require an immediate response, enhancing system responsiveness.