
Primary LanguagePythonMulan Permissive Software License, Version 2MulanPSL-2.0


The tool is available at licenserec.com.

Environment: Ubantu20.04, Python3.8, Java1.8, Node.js v18.10.0


configure scancode:

cd scancode-toolkit

./configure --clean


source venv/bin/activate

Github API Access

You should create a file named token which contains your own Github token in backend/app/token.


File backend/app/compatibility_check.py uses MongoDB to query the license of a package. You can generate the collection projects by projects.json which is from libraries.io.

run flask:

cd backend

pip install -r requirements.txt

flask run -p 1120



# install dependencies

cd frontend
npm install

# serve with hot reload at localhost:1121
npm run dev

Then you can visit http://localhost:1121/


# build for production with minification
npm run build

# build for production and view the bundle analyzer report
npm run build --report

Image text

  • Mulan PSL v2 as the overall license.
  • Apache-2.0 for scancode-tookit. We modified detection rules of Mulan series licenses in scancode-toolkit/src/licensedcode/data/rules and scancode-toolkit/src/licensedcode/data/licenses.
  • The third-party tool, depends, is from https://github.com/multilang-depends/depends.