
Primary LanguageJavaScript

be Qlue

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Play the Game

[be-qlue]$ cd 01_shell/

Create a single line script that returns the number of httpd processes that are running on the current machine

[01_shell]$ bash httpd_proccess_count.sh
# OR
[01_shell]$ ./httpd_proccess_count


  • the first bash script using grep -c to directly count how many httpd word from ps -A process status list command
  • the second binary file using grep [query] command to fetch list of line which contains httpd from ps -A process status list command and then count the result line using wc -l word count command

From the current folder (/tmp), provide some bash commands that will rename all the *.txt files in mig33/inner_folder/ to *.dat

[01_shell]$ cd tmp/
[tmp]$ bash transform_txt_dat.sh


Play the Game

[be-qlue]$ cd 02_sql/
# 1)
[02_sql]$ cat 01_solution.sql
# 2)
[02_sql]$ cat 02_solution.sql


Play the Game

[be-qlue]$ cd 03_nodejs-prime/

Write a function which, taking in a positive integer n as input, returns an array of all primes lower than n.

[03_nodejs-prime]$ node index.js [number]


  • [number] is a positive integer number n as an input number
  • the requested function that returns array of primes number lower than number is exist in ./03_nodejs-prime/index.js file called collectPrime()
  • collectPrime() function using isPrime() function in the body that exist in ./03_nodejs-prime/utils.js file


  • if you want to build the binary file, you need to make sure that your machine connect to the internet for download some dev dependencies packages. if so you can run this command:
    [03_nodejs-prime]$ bin/setup
  • the binary file that can be run using:
    [03_nodejs-prime]$ bin/collect_prime [number]


Play the Game

[be-qlue]$ cd 04_javascript/

Write the NodeJS function which, taking in a raw data set as first mentioned, will return the improved json-encoded string and expose it into standard RESTFul API

[04_javascript]$ npm start


  • to lookup the RestFul API Response go to http://localhost:8080/ from your machine
  • the requested function to sanitize and improve the json response can found and exist in ./04_javascript/utils.js as sanitizeResponse()


Play the Game

[be-qlue]$ cd 05_algorithmic/

Write a function which, taking a positive integer n as input, finds all sets of numbers that sum up to n.

[05_algorithmic]$ node index.js [number]


  • [number] is a positive integer number n as an input number
  • the requested function that returns all sets of numbers that sum up to number is exist in ./05_algorithmic/index.js file as method of SumSet object in SumSet.prototype.combinations()
  • combinations() method of SumSet is a recursive method that returns an array of set numbers


  • if you want to build the binary file, you need to make sure that your machine connect to the internet for download some dev dependencies packages. if so you can run this command:
    [05_algorithmic]$ bin/setup
  • the binary file that can be run using:
    [05_algorithmic]$ bin/get_combinations [number]


Reading for you

Click Here


Play the Game

[be-qlue]$ cd 07_rounding-path/

Write the function which, taking [N] for argument as the width and height for square matrix (NxN = ROWxCOL), will return something like this:

# N = 2

# N = 3

# N = 4
  [1,  2, 3,4],
  [10, 9, 8,7]
[07_rounding-path]$ node index.js [number]


  • the output will show 2d array (matrix) with rounding path number (left --> right, top --> bottom, right --> left, bottom --> top, so on)

App Info


Hirzi Nurfakhrian