
BMK (or Baja Mali Knindza) protocol implementation over TCP

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Application protocol based on the song "Grga taksista" from Baja Mali Knindza, commonly called as "Vozi me za Surcin" or "Vozi me na Pale".


This was made as a joke, don't take it seriously. It's a good programming exercise to implement your own protocol. I discovered a ton from it. And now for the fun parts:

Additional info

Repository contains the server implementation of the protocol in the form of a message storing server.

BMK protocol is used for transporting data, mostly textual, but binary is possible, via TCP using a form of additional encapsulation.

The delimeter is the following sequence: \/|\|\/. Every command with multiple parameters must be followed by it for it to be registered.

Every response from the server is given after a two second lag. This is a commonly requested feature by code reviewers (aka my friends; they didn't want to submit a pull request).

The termination character for every request is the ~ (tilde) sign. Just add it as the last character of your request.

The protocol syntax is as follows:

DJE_SI_GRGA_DRUZE_STARI - announces the existence to the server

ZA_NAPLATU_TI_NE_MARI - server response to the announcement

VOZI_ME_ZA_SURCIN_PREKO_LEDINA\/|\|\/[data] - where [data] is the transmitting data from the client

TAMO_ZIVI_MOJA_JEDINA - server response to accepted data

VREME_BRZO_PROLAZI - checking if the server has gotten a timeout

GODINE_ME_STIZU - server response to a negative timeout

DUNI_VJETRE_MALO_PREKO_JETRE - request for the server to send the contents

UMRIJECU_OD_BOLA_IZGORJELO_SVE_OD_ALKOHOLA\/|\|\/[messageBag] - server response followed by the contents of the text

KUPI_STRIKA_CIPELE_I_DADE_DZEPARAC - server response to a malformed (or illegal) message

RAKIJA_MI_SE_PRIBLIZILA_DUSI - closes the connection

CRNA_MI_SE_DZIGERICA_SUSI - server response when it starts processing the closing operation


Clone repo: git clone https://github.com/mzdv/bmk-over-tcp.git

Run with: node bmkServer.js

Use telnet or client of your choice and point it to

Have fun.

I do not own the rights to Baja Mali Knindza.
