
CPU scheduling(RR, FIFO, MLFQ, Stride) implemented by c++

Primary LanguageC++

CPU Scheduling Algorithms


leeshinyook hs-krispy

We are students of Dankook University's software department. We are working on a project for the Cpu

scheduling algorithm.

Pull requests are always welcome.

Code Structure

  1. include/lab_sched_types.h

    This has structure of the process which has processName, arrivalTime etc. Create struct object in this file.

// lab_sched_types.h, Setinit2()
void SetInit2() {
    v2[0].arriveTime = 0, v2[0].serviceTime = 4, v2[0].processName = 'A'
    v2[1].arriveTime = 1, v2[1].serviceTime = 2, v2[1].processName = 'B'
    v2[2].arriveTime = 5, v2[2].serviceTime = 6, v2[2].processName = 'C'
    v2[3].arriveTime = 7, v2[3].serviceTime = 5, v2[3].processName = 'D'
    v2[4].arriveTime = 10, v2[4].serviceTime = 3, v2[4].processName = 'E'

If you need Stride algorithm, Add v2[0].ticket. We have set the total number of stride repetitions to 100.

If you want to increase the number of iterations, increase the TC variable in the Stride function.

Also, We set the time quantum of RR and MLFQ to 1 and 2 or 1 and 4.

To adjust this time quantum, adjust each scheduling factor in the Run function section.(lab1_sched.cpp)

  1. lab1_sched.cpp

    This has structure of functions(algorithm func, common func etc).

  2. lab1_sched_test.cpp

    This file has only one function. void run(). This function can make the whole function work.

How to run

We have set up a makefile for convenient code execution.

Since it is a file written in c++ lang, so g++ installation is required!

Also, make installation is required, so please install it first.

1. Clone Project

$ git clone https://github.com/leeshinyook/Lab1-Sched.git

2. Make

$ make

The make command creates an executable file. An executable file should have been created in your current directory.

If you want to delete the generated files, type make clean

3. Run Executable file

$ ./lab1_sched