
SPA quick start using Python Flask and Vue.js. Containerized with Docker.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


SPA quick start using Python, Flask, and Vue.js. Containerized with Docker.


  • docker
  • docker-compose
  • make (optional)

What is this repo and how do I use it?

This repository is meant to be a full-stack web application starting point. It contains these basic parts and features:


  • Containerized with Docker and Docker Compose
  • Frontend code built with Webpack
  • Example full-stack 'wall message' web application


  • Python3 and Flask
  • MySQL database container and driver
  • Redis cache container and driver
  • Architecture:
    • API (interface endpoints, call into service layer, format response)
    • Services (operate on data objects, business logic)
    • Data Objects (stateful models, represent deserialized records, implements CRUD)
    • Data Store Drivers (intermediary interface between application and datastore)


  • Vue.js
  • vue-router
  • Architecture:
    • Services (handle state and business logic, injectable into views and components)
    • Views (top level page components)
    • Components (UI building blocks, reusable, nestable)

More Information:

make up runs a Vue frontend server, a backend JSON API server, a MySQL database, and a Redis cache. Changes to frontend source files and backend source files are automatically reflected via hot-reload.

Getting started with the full-stack app example:

First, spin-up the dev environment:

make up

Then, connect to the app server container:

make app-shell

Once connected, run the table creation python script:

cd /app/server/scripts/ && python3 create-wall-message-table.py

Lastly, navigate to the 'wall messages' dev web page and create some messages:


Other convenience make commands

Connect to app server container:

make app-shell

Connect to MySQL container:

make mysql-shell

Connect to Redis container:

make redis-shell

Tech Stack:


  • Docker
  • Docker Compose
  • Alpine


  • Python3
  • Node.js
  • Javascript ES6


  • MySQL
  • Redis


  • Flask
  • Supervisor


  • Vue.js
  • Scss


  • npm
  • pip3
  • Adminer
  • Webpack