
Utility for regression testing of web pages using screenshots

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Build Status Code Climate Coverage

Gemini is the utility for regression testing of web pages appearance.

It allows to test fragment of a page in multiple browsers using Selenium WebDriver.

Tool is created at Yandex and will be especially useful to UI libraries developers.


Currently, requires GraphicsMagick.

On MacOS X, it can be installed with Homebrew:

brew install graphicsmagick

Requires local or remote selenium-grid installation to test in other browsers, than phantomjs.


After all dependencies have been satisfied, you can install package with npm:

npm install -g gemini


Gemini is configured using .gemini.yml file at the root of the project. Example:

rootUrl: http://site.example.com
gridUrl: http://selenium-grid.example.com:4444/wd/hub
  phantomjs: phantomjs
  chrome: chrome
    browserName: opera
    version: '12.06'
    browserName: firefox
    version: '28.0'
    browserName: firefox
    version: '27.0'

Some of the options can also be overridden via command-line options or environment variables. Priorities are the following:

  • command-line option has highest priority. It overrides environment variable and config file value.
  • environment variable has second priority. It overrides config file value.
  • config file value has the lowest priority.
  • if no command line option, environment variable or config file option specified, default is used.

Config file options:

  • rootUrl (CLI: --root-url, env: 'GEMINI_ROOT_URL') - the root URL of your website. Target URLs of your test suites will be resolved relatively to it.

  • gridUrl (CLI: --grid-url, env: 'GEMINI_GRID_URL') - Selenium Grid URL to use for taking screenshots. Required, if you want to run test in other browsers, then phantomjs.

  • browsers - list of browsers to use for testing. Each browser should be available on selenium grid.

    browsers field format:

        browserName: <name>
        version: <version>
        # ... other browser capabilities as <key>: <value>

    It is possible to use multiple versions of the same browser (if all versions are available on your Selenium Grid instance).

    If version is omitted, any browsers of the specified name will be used.

    <browser-id>: <name> is a shortcut for <browser-id>: {browserName: <name>}.

    <browser-id> value is used for browser indentification in test resports and for constructing screens file names.

  • projectRoot – root directory of a project. All relative paths in config or options will be resolved relative to it. By default it is the directory config file is placed in.

  • screenshotsDir (CLI: --screenshots-dir, env: GEMINI_SCREENSHOTS_DIR) - directory to save reference screenshots to. Specified relatively to config file directory. gemini/screens by default.

  • capabilities - additional Selenium and Sauce Labs capabilities to use for all browsers:

      option1: value,
      option2: value

    It is possible to set any capability, except browserName and version (use browsers option instead) and takesScreenshot (always set to true automatically);

  • debug (CLI: --debug, env: GEMINI_DEBUG) - turn on debug logging to the terminal

  • parallelLimit - by default, gemini will run all browsers in parallel. Sometimes (i.e. when using cloud services, such as SauceLabs) you have a limit on a number of browser that can be run once at a time. Use this option to limit the number of browsers that gemini will try to run in parallel.

  • tolerance - specify maximum allowed image error before test will be reported as invalid. By default, any slightest difference will be treated as failure.

  • diffColor - specifies color which will be used to highlight differences between images. Specified in hexadecimal RGB (#RRGGBB). Magenta by default (#FF00FF). To get pre-0.6 behavior, specify 0.001 as a tolerance.

  • http.timeout - Selenium Grid request timeout, msec

  • http.retries - Selenium Grid request tries count

  • http.retryDelay - dalay before retry of Selenium Grid request, msec

  • coverage (CLI: --coverage, env: GEMINI_COVERAGE) - set to true, to enable experimental coverage reporting. Report will be saved to gemini-coverage directory.

  • windowSize (env: GEMINI_WINDOW_SIZE) - specify browser window dimensions (i.e. 1600x1200).

Writing tests

For each block of website you need to test you need to write one or more test suites. Suite consists of few states that needs to be verified. For each state you need to specify action sequence that gets block to this state.

Defining suites

Test suite is defined with gemini.suite method. Example:

var gemini = require('gemini');

gemini.suite('button', function(suite) {
        .before(function(actions, find) {
            this.button = find('.buttons');
        .capture('hovered', function(actions, find) {
        .capture('pressed', function(actions, find) {
        .capture('clicked', function(actions, find) {

Arguments of a gemini.suite:

  • name - the name of the new test suite. Name is displayed in reports and affects screenshots filenames.
  • callback(suite) - callback, used to set up the suite. Receives a suite builder instance (described below).

Suite builder methods:

All method are chainable:

  • setUrl(url) - specifies address of web page to take screenshots from. URL is relative to rootUrl config field.

  • setCaptureElements('selector1', 'selector2', ...}) - specifies css selectors of the elements that will be used to determine a region of webpage to capture.

    Capture region determined by minimum bounding rect for all of theese elements plus their box-shadow size.

    Can also accept an array:

    suite.setCaptureElements(['.selector1', '.selector2']);

    All tests in suite will fail if any of the elements will not be found.

  • skip([browser]) - skip all tests and nested suites for all browser, some specified browser or specified version of a browser:

    • skip() - skips tests and nested suites for all browsers;
    • skip(browserName) or skip({browserName: browserName}) - skips tests for all versions of specified browser;
    • skip({browserName: browserName, version: browserVersion}) - skips tests for particular version of a browser.
    • skip([browser1, browser2, ...]) - skip tests for multiple browsers or versions.

    All browsers from subsequent calls to .skip() are added to the skip list:

    suite.skip({browserName: 'browser1', version: '1.0'})

    is the same as:

        {browserName: 'browser1', version: '1.0'},
  • capture(stateName, callback(actions, find)) - defines new state to capture. Optional callback describes a sequence of actions to bring the page to this state, starting from previous state of the suite. States are executed one after another in order of definition without browser reload in between.

    Callback accepts two arguments:

    • actions - chainable object that should be used to specify a series of actions to perform.

    • find(selector) - use this function to search for an element to act on. Search is lazy and actually will be performed the first time element needed. Search will be performed once for each find call, so if you need to perform multiple actions on the same element save the result to some variable:

      .capture('name', function(actions, find) {
          var button = find('.button');
  • before(callback(actions, find)) - use this function to execute some code before the first state. The arguments of callback are the same as for capture callback. Context is shared between before callback and all of suite's state callbacks, so you can use this hook to lookup for element only once for all suite:

    suite.before(function(actions, find) {
            this.button = find('.buttons');
        .capture('hovered', function(actions, find) {
        .capture('pressed', function(actions, find) {
  • after(callback(actions, find)) - use this function to execute some code after the last state. The arguments of callback are the same as for capture and before callbacks and context is shared between all of them.

Nested suites

Suites can be nested. In this case, inner suite inherits url, captureElements from outer. This properties can be overridden in inner suites without affecting the outer. Each new suite causes reload of the browser, even if URL was not changed.

var gemini = require('gemini');

gemin.suite('parent', function(parent) {
          .setCaptureElements('.selector1', '.selector2');

    gemini.suite('first child', function(child) {
        //this suite captures same elements on different page
            .capture('other state');

    gemini.suite('second child', function(child) {
        //this suite captures different elements on a same page
             .capture('third state', function(actions, elements) {

        gemini.suite('grandchild', function(grandchild) {
            //child suites can have own childs
            grandchild.capture('fourth state');


    gemini.suite('third child', function(child) {
        //this child uses completely different URL and set
        //of elements
          .capture('fifth state');


Available actions

By calling methods of the actions argument of a callback you can program a series of steps to bring the block to desired state. All calls are chainable and next step is always executed after previous one has completed. In the following list element can be either CSS selector, or result of a find call:

  • click(element) - mouse click at the center of the element.

  • doubleClick(element) - mouse double click at the center of the element.

  • mouseDown(element, [button]) - press a mouse button at the center of the element. Possible button values are: 0 - left, 1 - middle, 2 - right. By default, left button is used.

  • mouseUp(element) - release previously pressed mouse button.

  • mouseMove(element, [offset]) - move mouse to the given element. Offset is specified relatively to the top left corner of the element. If not specified, mouse will be moved to the center of the element.

  • dragAndDrop(element, dragTo) - drag element to other dragTo element.

  • executeJS(function(window)) - run specified function in a browser. The argument of a function is the browser's window object:

    actions.executeJS(function(window) {

    Note that function is executed in browser context, so any references to outer scope of callback won't work.

  • wait(milliseconds) - wait for specified amount of time before next action. If it is the last action in sequence, delay the screenshot for this amount of time.

  • sendKeys([element], keys) - send a series of keyboard strokes to the speciefied element or currently active element on a page.

    You can send a special key using one of the provided constants, i.e:


    Full list of special keys:


  • focus(element) - set a focus to a specified element.

  • setWindowSize(width, height) - change browser window dimensions.


You need selenium-server up and running if you want to run tests in real browsers. Without selenium-server only phantomjs browser can be used. In that case, run phantomjs in webdriver mode before executing gemini:

phantomjs --webdriver=4444

Gathering reference images

Once you have few suites written you need to capture reference images:

gemini gather [paths to suites]

If no paths are specified, every .js file from gemini directory will be read. By default, configuration will be loaded from .gemini.yml in the current directory. To specify other config, use --config or -c option.

Running tests

To compare you reference screenshots with current state of blocks, use:

gemini test [paths to suites]

Paths and configuration are treated the same way as in gather command.

Each state with appearance different from reference image will be treated as the failed test.

By default, you'll see only names of the states. To get more information you can use HTML reporter:

gemini test --reporter html [paths to suites]

This will produce HTML file in gemini-report directory. It will display reference image, current image and difference between the two for each state in each browser.

Available reporters are:

  • flat (default console reporter)
  • html for html report

You can also use multiple reporters at the same time using multiple --reporter options:

gemini test --reporter flat --reporter html

CSS Code Coverage (Experimental)

Path --coverage (or set coverage option in config file) to enable code coverage reporter. gemini will examine your CSS files and report CSS rules that had been captured by at least one test completely (green color in report), particularly (yellow) or was not captured at all (red).

Common cli options

  • --config, -c - specify config file to use.
  • --root-url, -r - use specified URL, instead of rootUrl setting from config file.
  • --grid-url, -g - use specified URL, instead of gridUrl setting from config file.
  • --grep PATTERN – execute only suites with names, matching the regular expression pattern.
  • --help - display help message.
  • --version - display version.

Shell completion

To enable tab-completion of the shell commands add . <(gemini completion) to your shell rc-file ( for example ~/.bashrc for bash or ~/.zshrc for zsh).

Programmatic API

To use gemini in your scripts or build tools plugins you can use experimental programmatic API.