
Discord Bot for respawn times in mmogs

Primary LanguagePython

Sirken Bot

They say I give respawn times.

Interactive discord bot who stores and updates times of death, pops and watch merbs and their eta


  [!help]         - Show the help
  [!get]          - Show the status of a Merb
  [!tod]          - Update the ToD of a Merb
  [!pop]          - A Merb is popped
  [!earthquake]   - omg omg omg (be careful, will reset all pop date/time!)
  [!watch]        - Keep an eye on your merbs
  [!merbs]        - List name and aliases of supported Merbs
  [!about]        - About Sirken Bot


Print all merbs due to spawn:

!get all

Print all merbs in window

!get windows

Print all merbs of the specified tag

!get ntov

Get a specified merb

!get Lord Bob

Get more info about a specified merb

!get Lord Bob info

!tod & !pop

With these commands you will update respectively time of death and pop time of a single merb. Pop times are used to calculate merb eta only if newer than tod. Both commands share the same syntax.

Simplest way to update a merb (to current date)

!tod Lord Bob now

Updates some minutes ago

!tod Lord Bob 10 minutes ago

Updates to a specified time. If time is in the future, yesterday is assumed

!tod Lord Bob 14:01

Use different timezones

!tod Lord Bob 14:01 yesterday est

Use the 12hour am/pm time format

!tod Lord Bob 02:01pm pst

Force the date to yesterday

!tod Lord Bob 02:01am yesterday

Full date/time

!tod Lord Bob 2019-04-20 12:01a.m.
!tod Lord Bob 2019-04-19 05:00PM pst


Updates all merbs pop times to the specified time. the time format is the same used for !tod and !pop

!earthquake now
!earthquake 12:59am


Keep a look on your merbs and be alerted before their spawns/window opens.

Print all watched merbs


Watch a specified merb and be alerted 30minutes before his eta

!watch Lord Bob

Be alerted one hour before eta

!watch Lord Bob 60

Switch off a watcher

!watch Lord Bob off

Switch off all watchers

!watch off


Prints privately a crude list of merbs/alias/tags



0.8 aka Paranoid Android
- Added a RBAC: Now Sirken will parse discord servers roles converting them to bot roles. That means if you dont have
  the right permission you will not be able to use the relative command.
- added !users and !roles commands, only for adults
- added !target command. Thank you Nareb for the suggestion, it's a very nice addition!
    ex.: !target Lord Bob 
         !target Lord Bob off
    - Target merb will be autoswitch off when its tod is updated. 
    - To list targets: !get targets
- Added a more sophisticated logging system
- Changed the !help outputs to be more verbose and (hopefully) clearer.

- Fixed a future tod/pop date bug. Now when you use a time that's in the future, yesterday is assumed.
  This typically happens when you update a tod with hh:mm syntax after your local midnight.
- Added the yesterday parameter to !tod/!pop commands. This will force to use yesterday when hh:mm is used.
  Example: !tod Lord Bob 23:50 yesterday
- Added support to British colonies aka 12h time format
  Example: !tod Lord Bob 11:50pm
- Added "around" word as an "approx" alias
  Example: !tod Lord Bob around 12:00 am
Sirken Bot version 0.7 aka "velious" is live: everything since now will be not classic, even the solved bugs :)
-  Added tags! thank you @Tarscales#4518 for your precious help!
   - Tags used: kael, ntov, wtov, triplets, st, vp
   - Usage example: {!get ntov}
-  Now Sirken is a little smarter and will interpret better your intentions, hopefully!
   - Example: {!get vilepang}
-  removed !list command. to get all merbs due to spawn, type {!get all}
-  removed !windows command. to get all merbs in window type {!get windows}
-  minor bug fixes
-  some aesthetic changes