
Interview exercises for potential backend candidates

Primary LanguageElixir

Good Will Hunting

Interview questions and exercises for potential backend candidates.


Homepolish is looking for programmers with a good foundation of application development knowledge and concepts. This repo contains multiple questions and or exercises that target various aspects of our daily work. Unlike some other companies, we are not concerned with one's ability to determine Levenshtein distances or invert binary trees. However, we are interested in determining a candidate's level regarding practical coding problems that one should expect to see within the course of their work.

Candidates are judged across multiple skills, and it should be understood there are no right answers; secret knowledge is not our goal. Rather, one's answers will provide us an understanding of range for each individual skill.

General Instructions

There are multiple directories contained in this repository. Each directory contains an isolated question or exercise. For any given skill, there may be 1 or more problems of varying difficulty. Candidates are encouraged to attempt all questions, but if one become's stumped it's OK to move on.

Candidates should work against a private fork of the test repository. We ask that when ready to submit, a candidate opens a PR so the team can review. We won't offer solutions to questions, but may engage in conversation on the PR if we have questions about approach, or want additional insight on decisions.

Good luck!