Weather App

Vite + Typescript + React + Express + MUI + Docker + Zustand

This is a simple weather app that uses the API to fetch weather data for a searched city. It can serve as boilerplate for a fullstack application using Vite, Typescript, React, Express, Material-UI, Zustand, Docker, and Docker Compose.

The API key in this project will soon expire. To get a new one, visit you can replace the API key in the .env file in the server directory or write it directly in the server/src/app.ts file.



  • Search for a city and get the current weather
  • Ability to view previously searched cities
  • Ability to remove previously searched cities from saved list
  • Searches are persisted to local storage

Tech Stack

  • Vite
  • Typescript
  • React
  • Express
  • Material-UI
  • Zustand
  • Docker
  • Docker Compose

Running the app

To run the app via docker-compose, run the following commands:

docker-compose build
docker-compose up

The client app will be available at http://localhost:5173 The server will serve on http://localhost:3001

Alternatively, to run the app locally run the following commands:

## start client
cd client
npm install
npm run dev

## start server
cd ..
cd server
npm install
npm run dev


If you ran the app with docker compose, it's possible that you run into cached data errors. make sure to clear out any old dangling images / containers before running the app again.