Pinned Repositories
Cooperative Marketplace is a React and TypeScript application that serves as a cooperative marketplace where users can browse cooperatively owned businesses, view their products, add products to a shopping cart, and leave reviews for the businesses.
Europe News is a web app that displays European news articles from the Guardian API.
Film Finder, a React-based web app, provides an interface for users to search for movies and view detailed information using the Movie Database API.
Meme Maker: A fun and interactive React application that allows users to create their own memes by adding custom text to random meme images fetched from an API.
ProgressivePulse is a React and TypeScript-based social blogging platform that enables users to create, edit, and delete posts, as well as like posts and comments. It incorporates user authentication, allowing for sign up, sign in, and sign out functionality.
Task Manager: A React-powered task management app with a clean interface. Add, delete, and set reminders for tasks effortlessly.
Tenzie is a React game where you roll dice until all show the same value. You can hold a die between rolls. The game ends when all dice match. It's from Bob Zirolls Learn React course.
Ticklish Riddles is a React game with multiple-choice humorous riddles. Riddles are provided by ChatGPT, while images are sourced from Midjourney and Bing Image Creator.
hsavzyan's Repositories
Europe News is a web app that displays European news articles from the Guardian API.
Film Finder, a React-based web app, provides an interface for users to search for movies and view detailed information using the Movie Database API.
Meme Maker: A fun and interactive React application that allows users to create their own memes by adding custom text to random meme images fetched from an API.
Task Manager: A React-powered task management app with a clean interface. Add, delete, and set reminders for tasks effortlessly.
Tenzie is a React game where you roll dice until all show the same value. You can hold a die between rolls. The game ends when all dice match. It's from Bob Zirolls Learn React course.
Ticklish Riddles is a React game with multiple-choice humorous riddles. Riddles are provided by ChatGPT, while images are sourced from Midjourney and Bing Image Creator.
Cooperative Marketplace is a React and TypeScript application that serves as a cooperative marketplace where users can browse cooperatively owned businesses, view their products, add products to a shopping cart, and leave reviews for the businesses.
ProgressivePulse is a React and TypeScript-based social blogging platform that enables users to create, edit, and delete posts, as well as like posts and comments. It incorporates user authentication, allowing for sign up, sign in, and sign out functionality.