
Ruby Docker Images

Primary LanguageRuby


Built images are available here: https://hub.docker.com/r/rubylang/ruby/

How to build images

rake docker:build ruby_version=<Ruby version you want to build>

You can specify the specific revision in the master branch like:

rake docker:build ruby_version=master:ce798d08de

Build and push for the specific ruby and ubuntu versions

Trigger CircleCI workflow with ruby_version and ubuntu_version pipeline parameters. Nightly build workflow is triggered if the workflow triggered with ruby_version of "nightly". The nightly build workflow only builds images of linux/amd64 platform.

Nightly build workflow

Nightly build workflow is performed by CircleCI's scheduled pipeline system. The build is triggered at 16:00 UTC (01:00 JST) every night.


Kenta Murata
