
Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

HaRT: Human-aware Recurrent Transformer

This repository contains the code-base for HaRT, a solution for Human Language Modeling (HuLM).
You can read more about the HuLM task and the HaRT model in our paper Human Language Modeling.
We have also released the datasets used for the released version of HaRT model.
You can also check out our website for more details.
Code in this repository is built upon HuggingFace's codebase.


Requires Python 3.x (tested with Python 3.8)

Clone this repository.
pip install -r HaRT/requirements.txt

Optional steps for using a conda environment before installing the requirements above:

conda create -n hart python==3.8
conda activate hart

Download HaRT-Twt model

For model information, see our model_card.md

Data input formats

The current code supports csv and pickle files as data inputs for the following usage for fine-tuning and pre-training and evaluation. Please refer input_formats.md for details on input data formats for pre-training and evaluation, and fine-tuning document- and user-level tasks.

Downstream Tasks Fine-tuning

Fine-tuning for document classification with history

Runs hyperparameter search as well:

Searches for learning rate in the range of 5e-6 to 5e-4. [run_ft_hart_trials.py]

HaRT/examples/finetuning_optuna_trials/document_classification.sh \
<gpu_comma_separated_list_in_quotes> \
<num_trials> \
<path_to_pretrained_hart> \
<num_labels> \
<path_to_output> \
<path_to_train_data> <path_to_dev_data> <path_to_test_data>

Example Document Sentiment:
The num_trials tells how many Optuna trials to run for a hyperparameter search sweep.

HaRT/examples/finetuning_optuna_trials/document_classification.sh \
"0,1" \
5 \
HaRT/model/hart_pt \
3 \
HaRT/outputs/sentiment \
HaRT/data/datasets/sentiment/sent_train.pkl \
HaRT/data/datasets/sentiment/sent_dev.pkl \

To fine-tune without hyperparam search (faster but less accurate):

HaRT/examples/finetuning/hart/document_classification.sh \
<gpu_comma_separated_list_in_quotes> \
<path_to_pretrained_hart> \
<num_labels> \
<path_to_output> \
<path_to_train_data> \
<path_to_dev_data> \

Example Document Sentiment

HaRT/examples/finetuning/hart/document_classification.sh \
"0,1" \
HaRT/model/hart_pt \
3 \
HaRT/outputs/sentiment \
HaRT/data/datasets/sentiment/sent_train.pkl \
HaRT/data/datasets/sentiment/sent_dev.pkl \

To fine-tune using datasets and hyperparameters from the paper:

For Sentiment Analysis:

HaRT/examples/finetuning/hart/sentiment/sent.sh \
<gpu_comma_separated_list_in_quotes> \
<path_to_pretrained_hart> \


HaRT/examples/finetuning/hart/sentiment/sent.sh \
"0,1" \
HaRT/model/hart_pt \

Please refer finetune.md for commands for all the other document-level finetuning tasks from the paper.

Fine-tuning for user-level tasks

HaRT/examples/finetuning/hart/user_level_task.sh \
<gpu_comma_separated_list_in_quotes> \
<path_to_pretrained_hart> \
<num_labels> \
<metric> \
<path_to_output> \
<path_to_train_data> \
<path_to_dev_data> \

Example for a regression task:
The num_labels will be 1.
The metric can be either 'eval_r' for pearson r correlation or eval_r_dis for dis-attenuated pearson r correlation.

HaRT/examples/finetuning/hart/user_level_task.sh \
"0,1" \
HaRT/model/hart_pt \
1 \
eval_r \
HaRT/outputs/user_regression \
HaRT/data/datasets/user_train.pkl \
HaRT/data/datasets/user_dev.pkl \

Example for a classification task:
The num_labels will be >1.
The metric will be 'eval_f1' for weighted F1.

HaRT/examples/finetuning/hart/user_level_task.sh \
"0,1" \
HaRT/model/hart_pt \
3 \
eval_f1 \
HaRT/outputs/user_classification \
HaRT/data/datasets/user_train.pkl \
HaRT/data/datasets/user_dev.pkl \

HuLM Task


HaRT/examples/hulm_pretraining/hart_pt.sh \
<gpu_comma_separated_list_in_quotes> \
<path_to_output> \
<path_to_train_data> \
<path_to_dev_data> \


HaRT/examples/hulm_pretraining/hart_pt.sh \
"0,1" \
HaRT/model/hart_pt \
HaRT/data/datasets/pt_train.pkl \
HaRT/data/datasets/pt_dev.pkl \

(Optional) HuLM Hyperparameter search using Optuna trials

The num_sampled_users_for_optuna (default value 5000) tells how many users to sample for Optuna trials to run for a hyperparameter search sweep.
Searches for learning rate in the range of 5e-6 to 5e-2. [run_hulm_hart_trials.py]

HaRT/examples/hulm_optuna_trials/hart_trials.sh \
<gpu_comma_separated_list_in_quotes> \
<num_sampled_users_for_optuna> \
<path_to_output> \
<path_to_train_data> \
<path_to_dev_data> \


HaRT/examples/hulm_optuna_trials/hart_trials.sh \
"0,1" \
5000 \
HaRT/outputs/hart_pt_trials_5000users \
HaRT/data/datasets/pt_train.pkl \

Defaults to 5000 users for running trials.
hart_trials.sh can be modified for desired number of users by editing the value for