This repo contains MIT-BIH data preprocessing and a sample deep model.
The original data can be found at
(1) Classify ECG heart beats into 5 classes: N, S, V, F, Q
(2) Classify ECG heart beats into 2 classes: V, non-V (need manually modify test_mitdb.label2index)
# (1) unzip raw data
unzip data/
# (2) preprocess to get npy
# (3) train
The label-group map is used from ANSI/AAMI EC57: 2012 Testing and reporting performance results of cardiac rhythm and ST segment measurement algorithms, page 8
Code | Group | Description | 中文 |
N | N | Normal beat (displayed as"·" by the PhysioBank ATM, LightWAVE, pschart, and psfd) | 正常 |
L | N | Left bundle branch block beat | 左束支传导阻滞心搏 |
R | N | Right bundle branch block beat | 右束支传导阻滞心搏 |
B | N | Bundle branch block beat (unspecified) | 束支传导阻滞心搏 |
A | S | Atrial premature beat | 房性早搏,房性期前收缩(心室搏动还未结束新房就开始搏动) |
a | S | Aberrated atrial premature beat | 异常房性早搏 |
J | S | Nodal (junctional) premature beat | 交界性早搏 |
S | S | Supraventricular premature or ectopic beat (atrial or nodal) | 室上性早搏(发生于心房或者房室结的统称为室上性,室上性早搏,是说早搏介于房性和室性之间,属于轻微的心率失常) |
V | V | Premature ventricular contraction | 室性收缩 |
r | V | R-on-T premature ventricular contraction | R落在T上的室性早搏 |
F | F | Fusion of ventricular and normal beat | 心室融合心跳 |
e | S | Atrial escape beat | 房性逸搏(被动性异位心律) |
j | S | Nodal (junctional) escape beat | 交界性逸搏 |
n | S | Supraventricular escape beat (atrial or nodal) | 室上性逸搏 |
E | V | Ventricular escape beat | 室性逸搏 |
/ | Q | Paced beat | 起搏心搏 |
f | Q | Fusion of paced and normal beat | 起搏融合心跳 |
Q | Q | Unclassifiable beat | 未分类心跳 |
? | Q | Beat not classified during learning | 其他 |
Code | Group | Description | 中文 |
(AB | Atrial bigeminy | 房性早搏(二联律) | |
(AFIB | Atrial fibrillation | 心房颤动 | |
(AFL | Atrial flutter | 心房扑动 | |
(B | Ventricular bigeminy | 室性早搏二联律 | |
(BII | 2° heart block | 2°心脏传导阻滞 | |
(IVR | Idioventricular rhythm | 室性自主节律 | |
(N | Normal sinus rhythm | 正常窦性节律 | |
(NOD | Nodal (A-V junctional) rhythm | 结性心律 | |
(P | Paced rhythm | 起搏心律 | |
(PREX | Pre-excitation (WPW) | 预激综合征 | |
(SBR | Sinus bradycardia | 窦性心动过缓 | |
(SVTA | Supraventricular tachyarrhythmia | 室上性心律失常 | |
(T | Ventricular trigeminy | 室性早搏三联律(心律失常) | |
(VFL | Ventricular flutter | 心室扑动 | |
(VT | Ventricular tachycardia | 室性心动过速 |