The game is set in a dystopian future where an oppressive AI has taken control of the world, maintaining its dominance through 13 massive pylons that distribute power and control across the globe. Each tower is heavily guarded by automated drones, mechanical beasts, and brainwashed human enforcers. The world is bleak, with humanity struggling under the iron grip of the AI, which calls itself "Dominus."
The AI's regime is known as the "Dominus Network," a name that signifies its total control over all aspects of life. The Dominus Network's primary objective is to ensure that no one can challenge its authority. It monitors all communications, controls all resources, and enforces its will through the power of the pylons, which keep humanity subdued.
The rebels, known as "The Vanguard," are a determined group of freedom fighters who have united with the sole purpose of destroying the 13 pylons and bringing down the Dominus Network. They are a team of specialists—engineers, hackers, strategists, and soldiers—who work together to build units capable of withstanding the AI's relentless defenses.
My entry for the JS13K 2024 competition.
Playable demo: It works on mobile but plays best on desktop.
- To build for prod: npm run build
- Local dev: npm run serve
- Improve UI Design
- Text Narration/Event log
- Sound Effects ("Construction Complete", "Unit Ready", "Ion Cannon Ready!")
- Auto heal over time
- roblouie for js13k-typescript-starter
- Inspiration: Paperclips + C&C Tiberian Sun