
Distance Metric Learning - EE4-68 Pattern Recognition CW2

Primary LanguagePython


To start running distance metrics, please use main.py. Its help should contain all you need to undertand how to perform the experiments on the data.

python main.py --help

To run the various methods use:

python main.py method [--rank RANK] [-cmc] [--title TITLE] [method_options]

Note that there may be other mandatory arguments needed for the various methods used. The options are shown below alongside the method names. The syntax is: [--optional_argument [arg_values]], --mandatory_argument [mandatory_arg_values], mandatory_positional_argument.

Methods attempted:

  • Baseline Euclidean Distance: euclid
  • Mahalanobis (various methods): mahala [--model [mmc, lmnn, nca, lfda, mlkr]]
  • k-means clustering: kmeans --clusters [num_clusters] --iterations [max_iterations]
  • kernel methods: kernel --kernel [cosine, poly, laplacian, chi2]
  • neural network: neuralnet --model [mlp, mlp-conv]
  • transformer methods: transformer --transformer [pca, quantile, normalizer, standard_scaler, gauss_rand] [--components n_components]
  • distance methods: distance --kernel [cosine, poly, laplacian, chi2]

You can use --rank to reduce the required rank measurements, which will reduce computational complexity where possible.

You can optionally plot a graph of the results using the option -cmc (cumulative match curve). Its title can be specified with --title.